The impact of the introduction of index futures contracts on the price volatility in the underlying stock market

Hsu P (2000)

Dissertation | Englisch
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Hsu, Philip
Aktienindex-Futures; Taiwan
XV, 117
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Hsu P. The impact of the introduction of index futures contracts on the price volatility in the underlying stock market. Bielefeld; 2000.
Hsu, P. (2000). The impact of the introduction of index futures contracts on the price volatility in the underlying stock market. Bielefeld.
Hsu, Philip. 2000. The impact of the introduction of index futures contracts on the price volatility in the underlying stock market. Bielefeld.
Hsu, P. (2000). The impact of the introduction of index futures contracts on the price volatility in the underlying stock market. Bielefeld.
Hsu, P., 2000. The impact of the introduction of index futures contracts on the price volatility in the underlying stock market, Bielefeld.
P. Hsu, The impact of the introduction of index futures contracts on the price volatility in the underlying stock market, Bielefeld: 2000.
Hsu, P.: The impact of the introduction of index futures contracts on the price volatility in the underlying stock market. Bielefeld (2000).
Hsu, Philip. The impact of the introduction of index futures contracts on the price volatility in the underlying stock market. Bielefeld, 2000.

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