The Potential of Cladocerans as Controphic Competitors of the Mosquito Culex pipiens

Duquesne S, Kroeger I, Kutyniok M, Lies M (2011)
Journal of Medical Entomology 48(3): 554-560.

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Duquesne, Sabine; Kroeger, Iris; Kutyniok, MagdaleneUniBi; Lies, Matthias
Journal of Medical Entomology
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Duquesne S, Kroeger I, Kutyniok M, Lies M. The Potential of Cladocerans as Controphic Competitors of the Mosquito Culex pipiens. Journal of Medical Entomology. 2011;48(3):554-560.
Duquesne, S., Kroeger, I., Kutyniok, M., & Lies, M. (2011). The Potential of Cladocerans as Controphic Competitors of the Mosquito Culex pipiens. Journal of Medical Entomology, 48(3), 554-560.
Duquesne, Sabine, Kroeger, Iris, Kutyniok, Magdalene, and Lies, Matthias. 2011. “The Potential of Cladocerans as Controphic Competitors of the Mosquito Culex pipiens”. Journal of Medical Entomology 48 (3): 554-560.
Duquesne, S., Kroeger, I., Kutyniok, M., and Lies, M. (2011). The Potential of Cladocerans as Controphic Competitors of the Mosquito Culex pipiens. Journal of Medical Entomology 48, 554-560.
Duquesne, S., et al., 2011. The Potential of Cladocerans as Controphic Competitors of the Mosquito Culex pipiens. Journal of Medical Entomology, 48(3), p 554-560.
S. Duquesne, et al., “The Potential of Cladocerans as Controphic Competitors of the Mosquito Culex pipiens”, Journal of Medical Entomology, vol. 48, 2011, pp. 554-560.
Duquesne, S., Kroeger, I., Kutyniok, M., Lies, M.: The Potential of Cladocerans as Controphic Competitors of the Mosquito Culex pipiens. Journal of Medical Entomology. 48, 554-560 (2011).
Duquesne, Sabine, Kroeger, Iris, Kutyniok, Magdalene, and Lies, Matthias. “The Potential of Cladocerans as Controphic Competitors of the Mosquito Culex pipiens”. Journal of Medical Entomology 48.3 (2011): 554-560.

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