Itinerant and localized magnetic moments in ferrimagnetic Mn(2)CoGa thin films probed by x-ray magnetic linear dichroism: Experiment and ab initio theory
Meinert M, Schmalhorst J-M, Klewe C, Reiss G, Arenholz E, Boehnert T, Nielsch K (2011)
Physical Review B 84(13): 132405.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Meinert, MarkusUniBi
Schmalhorst, Jan-MichaelUniBi
Klewe, ChristophUniBi;
Reiss, GünterUniBi
Arenholz, Elke;
Boehnert, Tim;
Nielsch, Kornelius

Abstract / Bemerkung
Epitaxial thin films of the half-metallic Xa compound Mn(2)CoGa (Hg(2)CuTi prototype) were prepared by dc magnetron co-sputtering with different heat treatments on MgO (001) substrates. High-quality films with a bulk magnetization of 1.95(5) mu(B) per unit cell were obtained. The L(3,2) x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectra agree with calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) and reveal the antiparallel alignment of the two inequivalent Mn moments. X-ray magnetic linear dichroism, in good agreement with theory as well, allows us to distinguish between itinerant and local Mn moments. Based on noncollinear spin DFT, it is shown that one of the two Mn moments has local character, whereas the other Mn moment and the Co moment are itinerant.
Physical Review B
Page URI
Meinert M, Schmalhorst J-M, Klewe C, et al. Itinerant and localized magnetic moments in ferrimagnetic Mn(2)CoGa thin films probed by x-ray magnetic linear dichroism: Experiment and ab initio theory. Physical Review B. 2011;84(13): 132405.
Meinert, M., Schmalhorst, J. - M., Klewe, C., Reiss, G., Arenholz, E., Boehnert, T., & Nielsch, K. (2011). Itinerant and localized magnetic moments in ferrimagnetic Mn(2)CoGa thin films probed by x-ray magnetic linear dichroism: Experiment and ab initio theory. Physical Review B, 84(13), 132405.
Meinert, Markus, Schmalhorst, Jan-Michael, Klewe, Christoph, Reiss, Günter, Arenholz, Elke, Boehnert, Tim, and Nielsch, Kornelius. 2011. “Itinerant and localized magnetic moments in ferrimagnetic Mn(2)CoGa thin films probed by x-ray magnetic linear dichroism: Experiment and ab initio theory”. Physical Review B 84 (13): 132405.
Meinert, M., Schmalhorst, J. - M., Klewe, C., Reiss, G., Arenholz, E., Boehnert, T., and Nielsch, K. (2011). Itinerant and localized magnetic moments in ferrimagnetic Mn(2)CoGa thin films probed by x-ray magnetic linear dichroism: Experiment and ab initio theory. Physical Review B 84:132405.
Meinert, M., et al., 2011. Itinerant and localized magnetic moments in ferrimagnetic Mn(2)CoGa thin films probed by x-ray magnetic linear dichroism: Experiment and ab initio theory. Physical Review B, 84(13): 132405.
M. Meinert, et al., “Itinerant and localized magnetic moments in ferrimagnetic Mn(2)CoGa thin films probed by x-ray magnetic linear dichroism: Experiment and ab initio theory”, Physical Review B, vol. 84, 2011, : 132405.
Meinert, M., Schmalhorst, J.-M., Klewe, C., Reiss, G., Arenholz, E., Boehnert, T., Nielsch, K.: Itinerant and localized magnetic moments in ferrimagnetic Mn(2)CoGa thin films probed by x-ray magnetic linear dichroism: Experiment and ab initio theory. Physical Review B. 84, : 132405 (2011).
Meinert, Markus, Schmalhorst, Jan-Michael, Klewe, Christoph, Reiss, Günter, Arenholz, Elke, Boehnert, Tim, and Nielsch, Kornelius. “Itinerant and localized magnetic moments in ferrimagnetic Mn(2)CoGa thin films probed by x-ray magnetic linear dichroism: Experiment and ab initio theory”. Physical Review B 84.13 (2011): 132405.
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