On the Character of Colour Predicates

Spohn W (1996)
In: Direct Reference, Indexicality and Propositional Attitudes. Künne W (Ed); Stanford.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Künne, Wolfgang
Direct Reference, Indexicality and Propositional Attitudes
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Spohn W. On the Character of Colour Predicates. In: Künne W, ed. Direct Reference, Indexicality and Propositional Attitudes. Stanford; 1996.
Spohn, W. (1996). On the Character of Colour Predicates. In W. Künne (Ed.), Direct Reference, Indexicality and Propositional Attitudes Stanford.
Spohn, Wolfgang. 1996. “On the Character of Colour Predicates”. In Direct Reference, Indexicality and Propositional Attitudes, ed. Wolfgang Künne. Stanford.
Spohn, W. (1996). “On the Character of Colour Predicates” in Direct Reference, Indexicality and Propositional Attitudes, Künne, W. ed. (Stanford).
Spohn, W., 1996. On the Character of Colour Predicates. In W. Künne, ed. Direct Reference, Indexicality and Propositional Attitudes. Stanford.
W. Spohn, “On the Character of Colour Predicates”, Direct Reference, Indexicality and Propositional Attitudes, W. Künne, ed., Stanford: 1996.
Spohn, W.: On the Character of Colour Predicates. In: Künne, W. (ed.) Direct Reference, Indexicality and Propositional Attitudes. Stanford (1996).
Spohn, Wolfgang. “On the Character of Colour Predicates”. Direct Reference, Indexicality and Propositional Attitudes. Ed. Wolfgang Künne. Stanford, 1996.

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