Pinniped phylogenetic relationships inferred using AFLP markers
Dasmahapatra KK, Hoffman J, Amos W (2009)
Heredity 103(2): 168-177.
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Dasmahapatra KK, Hoffman J, Amos W. Pinniped phylogenetic relationships inferred using AFLP markers. Heredity. 2009;103(2):168-177.
Dasmahapatra, K. K., Hoffman, J., & Amos, W. (2009). Pinniped phylogenetic relationships inferred using AFLP markers. Heredity, 103(2), 168-177.
Dasmahapatra, K. K., Hoffman, Joseph, and Amos, W. 2009. “Pinniped phylogenetic relationships inferred using AFLP markers”. Heredity 103 (2): 168-177.
Dasmahapatra, K. K., Hoffman, J., and Amos, W. (2009). Pinniped phylogenetic relationships inferred using AFLP markers. Heredity 103, 168-177.
Dasmahapatra, K.K., Hoffman, J., & Amos, W., 2009. Pinniped phylogenetic relationships inferred using AFLP markers. Heredity, 103(2), p 168-177.
K.K. Dasmahapatra, J. Hoffman, and W. Amos, “Pinniped phylogenetic relationships inferred using AFLP markers”, Heredity, vol. 103, 2009, pp. 168-177.
Dasmahapatra, K.K., Hoffman, J., Amos, W.: Pinniped phylogenetic relationships inferred using AFLP markers. Heredity. 103, 168-177 (2009).
Dasmahapatra, K. K., Hoffman, Joseph, and Amos, W. “Pinniped phylogenetic relationships inferred using AFLP markers”. Heredity 103.2 (2009): 168-177.
Daten bereitgestellt von European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
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