Determinants of sperm transfer in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata: male variation, female condition and copulation duration
Engqvist L, Sauer KP (2003)
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16(6): 1196-1204.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Engqvist, LeifUniBi
Sauer, Klaus Peter

Abstract / Bemerkung
Recent studies suggest that sperm production and transfer may have significant costs to males. Male sperm investment into a current copulation may therefore influence resources available for future matings, which selects for male strategic mating investment. In addition, females may also benefit from actively or passively altering the number of sperm transferred by males. In the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata, the number of sperm transferred during copulation depended on copulation duration and males in good condition (residual weight) copulated longer and also transferred more sperm. Moreover, sperm transferred and stored per unit time was higher in copulations with females in good condition than in copulations with females in poor condition. Males varied greatly and consistently in their sperm transfer rate, indicative of costs associated with this trait. The duration of the pairing prelude also varied between males and correlated negatively with the male's sperm transfer rate, but no other male character correlated significantly with male sperm transfer rate. The results are consistent with strategic mating effort but sperm transfer could also be facilitated by the physical size of females and/or females in good condition may be more cooperative during sperm transfer.
copulation duration;
strategic mating effort;
post-copulatory sexual selection;
sperm competition;
male choice;
ejaculate size;
cryptic mate choice
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Page URI
Engqvist L, Sauer KP. Determinants of sperm transfer in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata: male variation, female condition and copulation duration. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 2003;16(6):1196-1204.
Engqvist, L., & Sauer, K. P. (2003). Determinants of sperm transfer in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata: male variation, female condition and copulation duration. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 16(6), 1196-1204.
Engqvist, Leif, and Sauer, Klaus Peter. 2003. “Determinants of sperm transfer in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata: male variation, female condition and copulation duration”. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16 (6): 1196-1204.
Engqvist, L., and Sauer, K. P. (2003). Determinants of sperm transfer in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata: male variation, female condition and copulation duration. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16, 1196-1204.
Engqvist, L., & Sauer, K.P., 2003. Determinants of sperm transfer in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata: male variation, female condition and copulation duration. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 16(6), p 1196-1204.
L. Engqvist and K.P. Sauer, “Determinants of sperm transfer in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata: male variation, female condition and copulation duration”, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, vol. 16, 2003, pp. 1196-1204.
Engqvist, L., Sauer, K.P.: Determinants of sperm transfer in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata: male variation, female condition and copulation duration. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 16, 1196-1204 (2003).
Engqvist, Leif, and Sauer, Klaus Peter. “Determinants of sperm transfer in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata: male variation, female condition and copulation duration”. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16.6 (2003): 1196-1204.
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