Science in a Political Space. A Comparison of the Social Embeddedness of Climate Modeling Centres
Krueck C, Borchers J (1999)
Minerva. Special Issue on Climate Change Research.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Krueck, Carsten;
Borchers, Jutta
Minerva. Special Issue on Climate Change Research
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Krueck C, Borchers J. Science in a Political Space. A Comparison of the Social Embeddedness of Climate Modeling Centres. Minerva. Special Issue on Climate Change Research. 1999.
Krueck, C., & Borchers, J. (1999). Science in a Political Space. A Comparison of the Social Embeddedness of Climate Modeling Centres. Minerva. Special Issue on Climate Change Research
Krueck, Carsten, and Borchers, Jutta. 1999. “Science in a Political Space. A Comparison of the Social Embeddedness of Climate Modeling Centres”. Minerva. Special Issue on Climate Change Research.
Krueck, C., and Borchers, J. (1999). Science in a Political Space. A Comparison of the Social Embeddedness of Climate Modeling Centres. Minerva. Special Issue on Climate Change Research.
Krueck, C., & Borchers, J., 1999. Science in a Political Space. A Comparison of the Social Embeddedness of Climate Modeling Centres. Minerva. Special Issue on Climate Change Research.
C. Krueck and J. Borchers, “Science in a Political Space. A Comparison of the Social Embeddedness of Climate Modeling Centres”, Minerva. Special Issue on Climate Change Research, 1999.
Krueck, C., Borchers, J.: Science in a Political Space. A Comparison of the Social Embeddedness of Climate Modeling Centres. Minerva. Special Issue on Climate Change Research. (1999).
Krueck, Carsten, and Borchers, Jutta. “Science in a Political Space. A Comparison of the Social Embeddedness of Climate Modeling Centres”. Minerva. Special Issue on Climate Change Research (1999).