Quantitative Petri Net Model of Gene Regulated Metabolic Networks in the Cell

Chen M, Hofestädt R (2011)
In: Biological Petri Nets. Wingender E (Ed); Studies in health technology and informatics, 162 1. Edition. Amsterdam: IOS Press: 38-55.

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Wingender, Edgar
Biological Petri Nets
Studies in health technology and informatics
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Chen M, Hofestädt R. Quantitative Petri Net Model of Gene Regulated Metabolic Networks in the Cell. In: Wingender E, ed. Biological Petri Nets. Studies in health technology and informatics. Vol 162. 1. Edition. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2011: 38-55.
Chen, M., & Hofestädt, R. (2011). Quantitative Petri Net Model of Gene Regulated Metabolic Networks in the Cell. In E. Wingender (Ed.), Studies in health technology and informatics: Vol. 162. Biological Petri Nets (1. Edition., pp. 38-55). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Chen, Ming, and Hofestädt, Ralf. 2011. “Quantitative Petri Net Model of Gene Regulated Metabolic Networks in the Cell”. In Biological Petri Nets, ed. Edgar Wingender, 1. Edition, 162:38-55. Studies in health technology and informatics. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Chen, M., and Hofestädt, R. (2011). “Quantitative Petri Net Model of Gene Regulated Metabolic Networks in the Cell” in Biological Petri Nets, Wingender, E. ed. Studies in health technology and informatics, vol. 162, 1. Edition. (Amsterdam: IOS Press), 38-55.
Chen, M., & Hofestädt, R., 2011. Quantitative Petri Net Model of Gene Regulated Metabolic Networks in the Cell. In E. Wingender, ed. Biological Petri Nets. Studies in health technology and informatics. no.162 1. Edition. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 38-55.
M. Chen and R. Hofestädt, “Quantitative Petri Net Model of Gene Regulated Metabolic Networks in the Cell”, Biological Petri Nets, E. Wingender, ed., Studies in health technology and informatics, vol. 162, 1. Edition., Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2011, pp.38-55.
Chen, M., Hofestädt, R.: Quantitative Petri Net Model of Gene Regulated Metabolic Networks in the Cell. In: Wingender, E. (ed.) Biological Petri Nets. Studies in health technology and informatics. 162, 1. Edition. p. 38-55. IOS Press, Amsterdam (2011).
Chen, Ming, and Hofestädt, Ralf. “Quantitative Petri Net Model of Gene Regulated Metabolic Networks in the Cell”. Biological Petri Nets. Ed. Edgar Wingender. 1. Edition. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2011.Vol. 162. Studies in health technology and informatics. 38-55.

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