Think Tank, Publisher, Symbol: The Comintern in the Early Soviet Media Landscape

Albert G (2011)
The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online 17(24): 110-119.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
The following short article sheds light on the periodicals published by the Communist International in Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union during the 1920s. Embedding its ventures into the wider context of Soviet press, the article not only adds a forgotten chapter to the history of Comintern press, but traces the ways by which the international organisation tried to partake in the early Soviet media landscape.
The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online
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Albert G. Think Tank, Publisher, Symbol: The Comintern in the Early Soviet Media Landscape. The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online. 2011;17(24):110-119.
Albert, G. (2011). Think Tank, Publisher, Symbol: The Comintern in the Early Soviet Media Landscape. The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online, 17(24), 110-119.
Albert, Gleb. 2011. “Think Tank, Publisher, Symbol: The Comintern in the Early Soviet Media Landscape”. The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online 17 (24): 110-119.
Albert, G. (2011). Think Tank, Publisher, Symbol: The Comintern in the Early Soviet Media Landscape. The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online 17, 110-119.
Albert, G., 2011. Think Tank, Publisher, Symbol: The Comintern in the Early Soviet Media Landscape. The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online, 17(24), p 110-119.
G. Albert, “Think Tank, Publisher, Symbol: The Comintern in the Early Soviet Media Landscape”, The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online, vol. 17, 2011, pp. 110-119.
Albert, G.: Think Tank, Publisher, Symbol: The Comintern in the Early Soviet Media Landscape. The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online. 17, 110-119 (2011).
Albert, Gleb. “Think Tank, Publisher, Symbol: The Comintern in the Early Soviet Media Landscape”. The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online 17.24 (2011): 110-119.

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