The soil fauna community in pure and mixed stands of beech and spruce of different age: trophic structure and structuring forces

Scheu S, Albers D, Alphei J, Buryn R, Klages U, Migge S, Platner C, Salamon J-A (2003)
Oikos 101(2): 225-238.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Scheu, Stefan; Albers, Derk; Alphei, Jörn; Buryn, Romuald; Klages, Ute; Migge, Sonja; Platner, ChristianUniBi; Salamon, Jörg-Alfred
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Scheu S, Albers D, Alphei J, et al. The soil fauna community in pure and mixed stands of beech and spruce of different age: trophic structure and structuring forces. Oikos. 2003;101(2):225-238.
Scheu, S., Albers, D., Alphei, J., Buryn, R., Klages, U., Migge, S., Platner, C., et al. (2003). The soil fauna community in pure and mixed stands of beech and spruce of different age: trophic structure and structuring forces. Oikos, 101(2), 225-238.
Scheu, Stefan, Albers, Derk, Alphei, Jörn, Buryn, Romuald, Klages, Ute, Migge, Sonja, Platner, Christian, and Salamon, Jörg-Alfred. 2003. “The soil fauna community in pure and mixed stands of beech and spruce of different age: trophic structure and structuring forces”. Oikos 101 (2): 225-238.
Scheu, S., Albers, D., Alphei, J., Buryn, R., Klages, U., Migge, S., Platner, C., and Salamon, J. - A. (2003). The soil fauna community in pure and mixed stands of beech and spruce of different age: trophic structure and structuring forces. Oikos 101, 225-238.
Scheu, S., et al., 2003. The soil fauna community in pure and mixed stands of beech and spruce of different age: trophic structure and structuring forces. Oikos, 101(2), p 225-238.
S. Scheu, et al., “The soil fauna community in pure and mixed stands of beech and spruce of different age: trophic structure and structuring forces”, Oikos, vol. 101, 2003, pp. 225-238.
Scheu, S., Albers, D., Alphei, J., Buryn, R., Klages, U., Migge, S., Platner, C., Salamon, J.-A.: The soil fauna community in pure and mixed stands of beech and spruce of different age: trophic structure and structuring forces. Oikos. 101, 225-238 (2003).
Scheu, Stefan, Albers, Derk, Alphei, Jörn, Buryn, Romuald, Klages, Ute, Migge, Sonja, Platner, Christian, and Salamon, Jörg-Alfred. “The soil fauna community in pure and mixed stands of beech and spruce of different age: trophic structure and structuring forces”. Oikos 101.2 (2003): 225-238.

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