Cue Integration in the Haptic Perception of Virtual Shapes

Drewing K, Ernst MO (2003)
Presented at the The 6th Annual Workshop on Presence (Presence 2003).

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Drewing, K; Ernst, Marc O.UniBi
The 6th Annual Workshop on Presence (Presence 2003)
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Drewing K, Ernst MO. Cue Integration in the Haptic Perception of Virtual Shapes. Presented at the The 6th Annual Workshop on Presence (Presence 2003).
Drewing, K., & Ernst, M. O. (2003). Cue Integration in the Haptic Perception of Virtual Shapes. Presented at the The 6th Annual Workshop on Presence (Presence 2003)
Drewing, K, and Ernst, Marc O. 2003. “Cue Integration in the Haptic Perception of Virtual Shapes”. Presented at the The 6th Annual Workshop on Presence (Presence 2003) , 1.
Drewing, K., and Ernst, M. O. (2003).“Cue Integration in the Haptic Perception of Virtual Shapes”. Presented at the The 6th Annual Workshop on Presence (Presence 2003).
Drewing, K., & Ernst, M.O., 2003. Cue Integration in the Haptic Perception of Virtual Shapes. Presented at the The 6th Annual Workshop on Presence (Presence 2003)
K. Drewing and M.O. Ernst, “Cue Integration in the Haptic Perception of Virtual Shapes”, Presented at the The 6th Annual Workshop on Presence (Presence 2003), 2003.
Drewing, K., Ernst, M.O.: Cue Integration in the Haptic Perception of Virtual Shapes. Presented at the The 6th Annual Workshop on Presence (Presence 2003) (2003).
Drewing, K, and Ernst, Marc O. “Cue Integration in the Haptic Perception of Virtual Shapes”. Presented at the The 6th Annual Workshop on Presence (Presence 2003), 2003.

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