Raman spectroscopy of individual monocytes reveals that single-beam optical trapping of mononuclear cells occurs by their nucleus

Fore S, Chan J, Taylor D, Huser T (2011)
J.Optics 13(4): 44021.

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Fore, S.; Chan, J.; Taylor, D.; Huser, ThomasUniBi
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Fore S, Chan J, Taylor D, Huser T. Raman spectroscopy of individual monocytes reveals that single-beam optical trapping of mononuclear cells occurs by their nucleus. J.Optics. 2011;13(4): 44021.
Fore, S., Chan, J., Taylor, D., & Huser, T. (2011). Raman spectroscopy of individual monocytes reveals that single-beam optical trapping of mononuclear cells occurs by their nucleus. J.Optics, 13(4), 44021. https://doi.org/10.1088/2040-8978/13/4/044021
Fore, S., Chan, J., Taylor, D., and Huser, Thomas. 2011. “Raman spectroscopy of individual monocytes reveals that single-beam optical trapping of mononuclear cells occurs by their nucleus”. J.Optics 13 (4): 44021.
Fore, S., Chan, J., Taylor, D., and Huser, T. (2011). Raman spectroscopy of individual monocytes reveals that single-beam optical trapping of mononuclear cells occurs by their nucleus. J.Optics 13:44021.
Fore, S., et al., 2011. Raman spectroscopy of individual monocytes reveals that single-beam optical trapping of mononuclear cells occurs by their nucleus. J.Optics, 13(4): 44021.
S. Fore, et al., “Raman spectroscopy of individual monocytes reveals that single-beam optical trapping of mononuclear cells occurs by their nucleus”, J.Optics, vol. 13, 2011, : 44021.
Fore, S., Chan, J., Taylor, D., Huser, T.: Raman spectroscopy of individual monocytes reveals that single-beam optical trapping of mononuclear cells occurs by their nucleus. J.Optics. 13, : 44021 (2011).
Fore, S., Chan, J., Taylor, D., and Huser, Thomas. “Raman spectroscopy of individual monocytes reveals that single-beam optical trapping of mononuclear cells occurs by their nucleus”. J.Optics 13.4 (2011): 44021.

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