New materials and deposition techniques for highly efficient silicon thin film solar cells

Rech B, Kluth O, Repmann T, Roschek T, Springer J, Muller J, Finger F, Stiebig H, Wagner H (2002)
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 74(1-4): 439-447.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Rech, B; Kluth, O; Repmann, T; Roschek, T; Springer, J; Muller, J; Finger, F; Stiebig, HelmutUniBi; Wagner, H
Abstract / Bemerkung
This paper reviews recent efforts to provide the scientific and technological basis for cost-effective and highly efficient thin film solar modules based on amorphous (a-Si:H) and microcrystalline (pc-Si:H) silicon. Textured ZnO:Al films prepared by sputtering and wet chemical etching were applied to design optimised light-trapping schemes. Necessary prerequisite was the detailed knowledge of the relationship between film growth, structural properties and surface morphology obtained after etching. High rate deposition using plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition at 13.56 MHz plasma excitation frequency was developed for pc-Si:H solar cells yielding efficiencies of 8.1% and 7.5% at deposition rates of 5 and 9 Angstrom/s, respectively. These pc-Si: H solar cells were successfully up-scaled to a substrate area of 30 x 30 cm(2) and applied in a-Si:H/muc-Si:H tandem cells showing initial test cell efficiencies up to 11.9%. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
high rate; sputtering; PECVD; TCO; zinc oxide; mu c-Si; A-Si; thin film solar cell; silicon; tandem cell; light trapping; up-scaling
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
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Rech B, Kluth O, Repmann T, et al. New materials and deposition techniques for highly efficient silicon thin film solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2002;74(1-4):439-447.
Rech, B., Kluth, O., Repmann, T., Roschek, T., Springer, J., Muller, J., Finger, F., et al. (2002). New materials and deposition techniques for highly efficient silicon thin film solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 74(1-4), 439-447.
Rech, B, Kluth, O, Repmann, T, Roschek, T, Springer, J, Muller, J, Finger, F, Stiebig, Helmut, and Wagner, H. 2002. “New materials and deposition techniques for highly efficient silicon thin film solar cells”. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 74 (1-4): 439-447.
Rech, B., Kluth, O., Repmann, T., Roschek, T., Springer, J., Muller, J., Finger, F., Stiebig, H., and Wagner, H. (2002). New materials and deposition techniques for highly efficient silicon thin film solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 74, 439-447.
Rech, B., et al., 2002. New materials and deposition techniques for highly efficient silicon thin film solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 74(1-4), p 439-447.
B. Rech, et al., “New materials and deposition techniques for highly efficient silicon thin film solar cells”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 74, 2002, pp. 439-447.
Rech, B., Kluth, O., Repmann, T., Roschek, T., Springer, J., Muller, J., Finger, F., Stiebig, H., Wagner, H.: New materials and deposition techniques for highly efficient silicon thin film solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 74, 439-447 (2002).
Rech, B, Kluth, O, Repmann, T, Roschek, T, Springer, J, Muller, J, Finger, F, Stiebig, Helmut, and Wagner, H. “New materials and deposition techniques for highly efficient silicon thin film solar cells”. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 74.1-4 (2002): 439-447.

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