EPR probes with well-defined, long distances between two or three unpaired electrons

Godt A, Franzen C, Veit S, Enkelmann V, Pannier M, Jeschke G (2000)

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Godt, AdelheidUniBi; Franzen, C; Veit, S; Enkelmann, V; Pannier, M; Jeschke, G
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Godt A, Franzen C, Veit S, Enkelmann V, Pannier M, Jeschke G. EPR probes with well-defined, long distances between two or three unpaired electrons. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2000;65(22):7575-7582.
Godt, A., Franzen, C., Veit, S., Enkelmann, V., Pannier, M., & Jeschke, G. (2000). EPR probes with well-defined, long distances between two or three unpaired electrons. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 65(22), 7575-7582. https://doi.org/10.1021/jo005556j
Godt, Adelheid, Franzen, C, Veit, S, Enkelmann, V, Pannier, M, and Jeschke, G. 2000. “EPR probes with well-defined, long distances between two or three unpaired electrons”. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 65 (22): 7575-7582.
Godt, A., Franzen, C., Veit, S., Enkelmann, V., Pannier, M., and Jeschke, G. (2000). EPR probes with well-defined, long distances between two or three unpaired electrons. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 65, 7575-7582.
Godt, A., et al., 2000. EPR probes with well-defined, long distances between two or three unpaired electrons. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 65(22), p 7575-7582.
A. Godt, et al., “EPR probes with well-defined, long distances between two or three unpaired electrons”, JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, vol. 65, 2000, pp. 7575-7582.
Godt, A., Franzen, C., Veit, S., Enkelmann, V., Pannier, M., Jeschke, G.: EPR probes with well-defined, long distances between two or three unpaired electrons. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 65, 7575-7582 (2000).
Godt, Adelheid, Franzen, C, Veit, S, Enkelmann, V, Pannier, M, and Jeschke, G. “EPR probes with well-defined, long distances between two or three unpaired electrons”. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 65.22 (2000): 7575-7582.

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