Effects of higher order Jahn-Teller coupling on the nuclear dynamics
Viel A, Eisfeld W (2004)
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Viel A, Eisfeld W. Effects of higher order Jahn-Teller coupling on the nuclear dynamics. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 2004;120(10):4603-4613.
Viel, A., & Eisfeld, W. (2004). Effects of higher order Jahn-Teller coupling on the nuclear dynamics. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 120(10), 4603-4613. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1646371
Viel, A, and Eisfeld, Wolfgang. 2004. “Effects of higher order Jahn-Teller coupling on the nuclear dynamics”. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 120 (10): 4603-4613.
Viel, A., and Eisfeld, W. (2004). Effects of higher order Jahn-Teller coupling on the nuclear dynamics. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 120, 4603-4613.
Viel, A., & Eisfeld, W., 2004. Effects of higher order Jahn-Teller coupling on the nuclear dynamics. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 120(10), p 4603-4613.
A. Viel and W. Eisfeld, “Effects of higher order Jahn-Teller coupling on the nuclear dynamics”, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, vol. 120, 2004, pp. 4603-4613.
Viel, A., Eisfeld, W.: Effects of higher order Jahn-Teller coupling on the nuclear dynamics. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 120, 4603-4613 (2004).
Viel, A, and Eisfeld, Wolfgang. “Effects of higher order Jahn-Teller coupling on the nuclear dynamics”. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 120.10 (2004): 4603-4613.
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36 Zitationen in Europe PMC
Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.
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Higher order (A+E) multiply sign in circle e pseudo-Jahn-Teller coupling.
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Mahapatra S, Vallet V, Woywod C, Köppel H, Domcke W., J Chem Phys 123(23), 2005
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16 References
Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.
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