Fast, flexible algorithm for calculating photon correlations
Laurence TA, Fore S, Huser T (2006)
Optics Letters 31(6): 829-831.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Laurence, T. A.;
Fore, S.;
Huser, ThomasUniBi 

Abstract / Bemerkung
We introduce a new algorithm for computing correlations of photon arrival time data acquired in single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). The algorithm is based on rewriting the correlation as a counting operation on photon pairs and can be used with arbitrary bin widths and spacing. The flexibility of the algorithm is demonstrated by use of FCS simulations and single-molecule photon antibunching experiments. Execution speed is comparable to the commonly used multiple-tau correlation technique. Wide bin spacings are possible that allow for real-time software calculation of correlations, even for high count rates. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
Optics Letters
Page URI
Laurence TA, Fore S, Huser T. Fast, flexible algorithm for calculating photon correlations. Optics Letters. 2006;31(6):829-831.
Laurence, T. A., Fore, S., & Huser, T. (2006). Fast, flexible algorithm for calculating photon correlations. Optics Letters, 31(6), 829-831.
Laurence, T. A., Fore, S., and Huser, Thomas. 2006. “Fast, flexible algorithm for calculating photon correlations”. Optics Letters 31 (6): 829-831.
Laurence, T. A., Fore, S., and Huser, T. (2006). Fast, flexible algorithm for calculating photon correlations. Optics Letters 31, 829-831.
Laurence, T.A., Fore, S., & Huser, T., 2006. Fast, flexible algorithm for calculating photon correlations. Optics Letters, 31(6), p 829-831.
T.A. Laurence, S. Fore, and T. Huser, “Fast, flexible algorithm for calculating photon correlations”, Optics Letters, vol. 31, 2006, pp. 829-831.
Laurence, T.A., Fore, S., Huser, T.: Fast, flexible algorithm for calculating photon correlations. Optics Letters. 31, 829-831 (2006).
Laurence, T. A., Fore, S., and Huser, Thomas. “Fast, flexible algorithm for calculating photon correlations”. Optics Letters 31.6 (2006): 829-831.
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