Transfer of short-term motor learning across the lower limbs as a function of task conception and practice order.

Stoeckel T, Wang J (2011)
Brain and Cognition 77(2): 271-279.

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Stoeckel T, Wang J. Transfer of short-term motor learning across the lower limbs as a function of task conception and practice order. Brain and Cognition. 2011;77(2):271-279.
Stoeckel, T., & Wang, J. (2011). Transfer of short-term motor learning across the lower limbs as a function of task conception and practice order. Brain and Cognition, 77(2), 271-279.
Stoeckel, Tino, and Wang, J. 2011. “Transfer of short-term motor learning across the lower limbs as a function of task conception and practice order.”. Brain and Cognition 77 (2): 271-279.
Stoeckel, T., and Wang, J. (2011). Transfer of short-term motor learning across the lower limbs as a function of task conception and practice order. Brain and Cognition 77, 271-279.
Stoeckel, T., & Wang, J., 2011. Transfer of short-term motor learning across the lower limbs as a function of task conception and practice order. Brain and Cognition, 77(2), p 271-279.
T. Stoeckel and J. Wang, “Transfer of short-term motor learning across the lower limbs as a function of task conception and practice order.”, Brain and Cognition, vol. 77, 2011, pp. 271-279.
Stoeckel, T., Wang, J.: Transfer of short-term motor learning across the lower limbs as a function of task conception and practice order. Brain and Cognition. 77, 271-279 (2011).
Stoeckel, Tino, and Wang, J. “Transfer of short-term motor learning across the lower limbs as a function of task conception and practice order.”. Brain and Cognition 77.2 (2011): 271-279.

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