Dynamics of cosmological perturbations in thermal lambda phi(4) theory

Nachbagauer H, Rebhan AK, Schwarz D (1996)
Physical Review D 53(10): 5468-5482.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Nachbagauer, Herbert; Rebhan, Anton K.; Schwarz, DominikUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Using a recent thermal-field-theory approach to cosmological perturbations, the exact solutions that were found for collisionless ultrarelativistic matter are generalized to include the effects from weak self-interactions in a lambda phi(4) model through order lambda(3/2). This includes the effects of a resummation of thermal masses and associated nonfocal gravitational vertices, thus going far beyond classical kinetic theory. Explicit solutions for all the scalar, vector, and tensor modes are obtained for a radiation-dominated Einstein-de Sitter model containing a weakly interacting scalar plasma with or without the admixture of an independent component of perfect radiation fluid.
Physical Review D
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Nachbagauer H, Rebhan AK, Schwarz D. Dynamics of cosmological perturbations in thermal lambda phi(4) theory. Physical Review D. 1996;53(10):5468-5482.
Nachbagauer, H., Rebhan, A. K., & Schwarz, D. (1996). Dynamics of cosmological perturbations in thermal lambda phi(4) theory. Physical Review D, 53(10), 5468-5482. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.53.5468
Nachbagauer, Herbert, Rebhan, Anton K., and Schwarz, Dominik. 1996. “Dynamics of cosmological perturbations in thermal lambda phi(4) theory”. Physical Review D 53 (10): 5468-5482.
Nachbagauer, H., Rebhan, A. K., and Schwarz, D. (1996). Dynamics of cosmological perturbations in thermal lambda phi(4) theory. Physical Review D 53, 5468-5482.
Nachbagauer, H., Rebhan, A.K., & Schwarz, D., 1996. Dynamics of cosmological perturbations in thermal lambda phi(4) theory. Physical Review D, 53(10), p 5468-5482.
H. Nachbagauer, A.K. Rebhan, and D. Schwarz, “Dynamics of cosmological perturbations in thermal lambda phi(4) theory”, Physical Review D, vol. 53, 1996, pp. 5468-5482.
Nachbagauer, H., Rebhan, A.K., Schwarz, D.: Dynamics of cosmological perturbations in thermal lambda phi(4) theory. Physical Review D. 53, 5468-5482 (1996).
Nachbagauer, Herbert, Rebhan, Anton K., and Schwarz, Dominik. “Dynamics of cosmological perturbations in thermal lambda phi(4) theory”. Physical Review D 53.10 (1996): 5468-5482.

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