Cassini dust measurements at Enceladus and implications for the origin of the E ring

Spahn F, Schmidt J, Albers N, Horning M, Makuch M, Seiss M, Kempf S, Srama R, Dikarev V, Helfert S, Moragas-Klostermeyer G, et al. (2006)
Science 311(5766): 1416-1418.

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Spahn, F; Schmidt, J; Albers, N; Horning, M; Makuch, M; Seiss, M; Kempf, S; Srama, R; Dikarev, ValeryUniBi; Helfert, S; Moragas-Klostermeyer, G; Krivov, AV
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Spahn F, Schmidt J, Albers N, et al. Cassini dust measurements at Enceladus and implications for the origin of the E ring. Science. 2006;311(5766):1416-1418.
Spahn, F., Schmidt, J., Albers, N., Horning, M., Makuch, M., Seiss, M., Kempf, S., et al. (2006). Cassini dust measurements at Enceladus and implications for the origin of the E ring. Science, 311(5766), 1416-1418.
Spahn, F, Schmidt, J, Albers, N, Horning, M, Makuch, M, Seiss, M, Kempf, S, et al. 2006. “Cassini dust measurements at Enceladus and implications for the origin of the E ring”. Science 311 (5766): 1416-1418.
Spahn, F., Schmidt, J., Albers, N., Horning, M., Makuch, M., Seiss, M., Kempf, S., Srama, R., Dikarev, V., Helfert, S., et al. (2006). Cassini dust measurements at Enceladus and implications for the origin of the E ring. Science 311, 1416-1418.
Spahn, F., et al., 2006. Cassini dust measurements at Enceladus and implications for the origin of the E ring. Science, 311(5766), p 1416-1418.
F. Spahn, et al., “Cassini dust measurements at Enceladus and implications for the origin of the E ring”, Science, vol. 311, 2006, pp. 1416-1418.
Spahn, F., Schmidt, J., Albers, N., Horning, M., Makuch, M., Seiss, M., Kempf, S., Srama, R., Dikarev, V., Helfert, S., Moragas-Klostermeyer, G., Krivov, A.V., Sremcevic, M., Tuzzolino, A.J., Economou, T., Grun, E.: Cassini dust measurements at Enceladus and implications for the origin of the E ring. Science. 311, 1416-1418 (2006).
Spahn, F, Schmidt, J, Albers, N, Horning, M, Makuch, M, Seiss, M, Kempf, S, Srama, R, Dikarev, Valery, Helfert, S, Moragas-Klostermeyer, G, Krivov, AV, Sremcevic, M, Tuzzolino, AJ, Economou, T, and Grun, E. “Cassini dust measurements at Enceladus and implications for the origin of the E ring”. Science 311.5766 (2006): 1416-1418.

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