Transstate social spaces and development. Exploring the changing balance between communities, states and markets
Faist T (2007) Discussion paper. Decent Work Research Programme, DP/169/2007.
Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies (IILS).
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Discussion paper. Decent Work Research Programme, DP/169/2007
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Faist T. Transstate social spaces and development. Exploring the changing balance between communities, states and markets. Discussion paper. Decent Work Research Programme, DP/169/2007. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies (IILS); 2007.
Faist, T. (2007). Transstate social spaces and development. Exploring the changing balance between communities, states and markets (Discussion paper. Decent Work Research Programme, DP/169/2007). Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies (IILS).
Faist, Thomas. 2007. Transstate social spaces and development. Exploring the changing balance between communities, states and markets. Discussion paper. Decent Work Research Programme, DP/169/2007. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies (IILS).
Faist, T. (2007). Transstate social spaces and development. Exploring the changing balance between communities, states and markets. Discussion paper. Decent Work Research Programme, DP/169/2007, Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies (IILS).
Faist, T., 2007. Transstate social spaces and development. Exploring the changing balance between communities, states and markets, Discussion paper. Decent Work Research Programme, DP/169/2007, Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies (IILS).
T. Faist, Transstate social spaces and development. Exploring the changing balance between communities, states and markets, Discussion paper. Decent Work Research Programme, DP/169/2007, Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies (IILS), 2007.
Faist, T.: Transstate social spaces and development. Exploring the changing balance between communities, states and markets. Discussion paper. Decent Work Research Programme, DP/169/2007. International Institute for Labour Studies (IILS), Geneva (2007).
Faist, Thomas. Transstate social spaces and development. Exploring the changing balance between communities, states and markets. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies (IILS), 2007. Discussion paper. Decent Work Research Programme, DP/169/2007.
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