Nanopore Translocation Dynamics of a Single DNA-Bound Protein

Spiering A, Getfert S, Sischka A, Reimann P, Anselmetti D (2011)
NANO Letters 11(7): 2978-2982.

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Spiering A, Getfert S, Sischka A, Reimann P, Anselmetti D. Nanopore Translocation Dynamics of a Single DNA-Bound Protein. NANO Letters. 2011;11(7):2978-2982.
Spiering, A., Getfert, S., Sischka, A., Reimann, P., & Anselmetti, D. (2011). Nanopore Translocation Dynamics of a Single DNA-Bound Protein. NANO Letters, 11(7), 2978-2982.
Spiering, André, Getfert, Sebastian, Sischka, Andy, Reimann, Peter, and Anselmetti, Dario. 2011. “Nanopore Translocation Dynamics of a Single DNA-Bound Protein”. NANO Letters 11 (7): 2978-2982.
Spiering, A., Getfert, S., Sischka, A., Reimann, P., and Anselmetti, D. (2011). Nanopore Translocation Dynamics of a Single DNA-Bound Protein. NANO Letters 11, 2978-2982.
Spiering, A., et al., 2011. Nanopore Translocation Dynamics of a Single DNA-Bound Protein. NANO Letters, 11(7), p 2978-2982.
A. Spiering, et al., “Nanopore Translocation Dynamics of a Single DNA-Bound Protein”, NANO Letters, vol. 11, 2011, pp. 2978-2982.
Spiering, A., Getfert, S., Sischka, A., Reimann, P., Anselmetti, D.: Nanopore Translocation Dynamics of a Single DNA-Bound Protein. NANO Letters. 11, 2978-2982 (2011).
Spiering, André, Getfert, Sebastian, Sischka, Andy, Reimann, Peter, and Anselmetti, Dario. “Nanopore Translocation Dynamics of a Single DNA-Bound Protein”. NANO Letters 11.7 (2011): 2978-2982.

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