From 4D reduced supersymmetric Yang-Mills integrals to branched polymers
Wattenberg M (2004)
Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Bielefelder E-Dissertation | Englisch
Wattenberg, Marc
Gutachter*in / Betreuer*in
Petersson, Bengt (Prof. Dr.)
Alternativer Titel
Von 4D reduzierten supersymmetrischen Yang-Mills-Integralen zu verzweigten Polymeren
Abstract / Bemerkung
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Untersuchung des IIb Matrix-Modells - eine nicht-störungstheoretische Definition des Superstrings - anhand dessen Niederenergie-Theorie, eines Modells von verzweigten Polymeren.
Der erste Teil diskutiert die Hauptmerkmale des IIb Matrix-Modells und zeigt eine detaillierte Herleitung seiner Ein-Loop-Näherung, welche in vier Dimensionen auf ein Modell von verzweigten Polymeren führt. Darüber hinaus wird der Polyakov-Line Operator innerhalb dieser Approximation hergeleitet, gefolgt von der Berechnung seiner Ein-Punkt-Korrelationsfunktion für das vierdimensionale Modell verzweigter Polymere.
Der zweite Teil gibt eine allgemeine Einführung in Modelle von Baum-Graphen und zeigt eine detaillierte Untersuchung des Skalenverhaltens, der fraktalen Geometrie sowie der inneren und äußeren Korrelationsfunktionen.
Zum Schluss werden numerische Ergebnisse aus dem Modell verzweigter Polymere mit denen des IIb Matrix-Modells verglichen.
In this thesis the IIb matrix model, proposed to be a nonperturbative definition of the superstring, is investigated by means of its low-energy effective theory, a model of branched polymers. In the first part the main features of the IIb matrix model are discussed and a detailed derivation of its one-loop effective theory is presented, which will be seen to result in a model of branched polymers in D=4. Further the Polyakov-line operator is derived within the branched polymer approximation and its one-point correlation function is calculated for the 4D branched polymer model. The second part gives a general introduction to geometrical models of tree graphs and presents a detailed investigation of its scaling behaviour, fractal geometry as well as internal and external correlation functions. Finally, numerical results from the branched polymer model are compared to those of the IIb matrix model.
In this thesis the IIb matrix model, proposed to be a nonperturbative definition of the superstring, is investigated by means of its low-energy effective theory, a model of branched polymers. In the first part the main features of the IIb matrix model are discussed and a detailed derivation of its one-loop effective theory is presented, which will be seen to result in a model of branched polymers in D=4. Further the Polyakov-line operator is derived within the branched polymer approximation and its one-point correlation function is calculated for the 4D branched polymer model. The second part gives a general introduction to geometrical models of tree graphs and presents a detailed investigation of its scaling behaviour, fractal geometry as well as internal and external correlation functions. Finally, numerical results from the branched polymer model are compared to those of the IIb matrix model.
Superstringtheorie , Supersymmetrische Eichtheorie , Markov-Ketten-Monte-Carlo-Verfahren , Matrix-Modell , , Yang-Mills integrals , Branched polymers , Polyakov-line
Page URI
Wattenberg M. From 4D reduced supersymmetric Yang-Mills integrals to branched polymers. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2004.
Wattenberg, M. (2004). From 4D reduced supersymmetric Yang-Mills integrals to branched polymers. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Wattenberg, Marc. 2004. From 4D reduced supersymmetric Yang-Mills integrals to branched polymers. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Wattenberg, M. (2004). From 4D reduced supersymmetric Yang-Mills integrals to branched polymers. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Wattenberg, M., 2004. From 4D reduced supersymmetric Yang-Mills integrals to branched polymers, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
M. Wattenberg, From 4D reduced supersymmetric Yang-Mills integrals to branched polymers, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2004.
Wattenberg, M.: From 4D reduced supersymmetric Yang-Mills integrals to branched polymers. Bielefeld University, Bielefeld (Germany) (2004).
Wattenberg, Marc. From 4D reduced supersymmetric Yang-Mills integrals to branched polymers. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2004.
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