Conformational dynamics of polypeptides and the folding of miniproteins studied by fluorescence spectroscopy
Löllmann M (2010)
Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Bielefelder E-Dissertation | Englisch
Löllmann, Marc
Gutachter*in / Betreuer*in
Sauer, Markus
Abstract / Bemerkung
Proteinfaltung beschreibt den Prozess, in dem eine unstrukturierte Aminosäurekette in eine dreidimensionale Proteinstruktur faltet, und zwar in Abhängigkeit von der Aminosäurensequenz. Der Übergang von der Aminosäurekette zum gefalteten Protein ist noch nicht vollständig verstanden, da viele weitere Einflüsse neben der Aminosäurensequenz die Faltung beeinflussen.
Fluoreszenzkorrelationsspektroskopie wurde benutzt, um die Konformationsdynamik von verschiedenen Modellsystemen, wie sehr flexible Polypeptide bis hin zu Proteinturns, die eine Sekundärstruktur zeigen, zu untersuchen. Die Abhängigkeit der End-zu-End Kontaktformation der Peptide von der Temperatur und der Viskosität wurde betrachtet. Wir fanden, dass glutamindominierte Peptide eine hohe Interne Reibung und Aktivierungsenthalpie zeigen. Des Weiteren zeigte sich, dass die lokale Flexibilität von Proteinturns stark von der Aminosäuresequenz abhängig ist.
Ein weiterer Teil der Arbeit beschäftigte sich mit dem Einfluss der Salzbrücke auf die Faltung des Tryptophan Cage Miniproteins. Wir konnten beobachten, dass die Salzbrücke ein essentieller Teil für die hohe Stabilität des Tryptophan Cage darstellt.
Der letzte Teil der Arbeit konzentrierte sich auf die Fragestellung, wie organische Osmolyte die End-zu-End Kontaktformation von Peptiden und die Faltung des Tryptophan Cage beeinflussen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass intrinsisch unstrukturierte Peptide nicht von Osmolyten beeinflusst werden, dass jedoch glutamindominierte Peptide und der Tryptophan Cage beeinflusst werden. Wir konnten zeigen, dass eine hohe Konzentration von stabilisierenden Osmolyten in der Lage ist, den Verlust der Salzbrücke im Tryptophan Cage zu kompensieren.
Protein folding describes the process in which an unstructured amino acid chain folds into a three dimensional protein structure depending on the amino acid sequence. The transition from the amino acid chain to the folded protein is not fully understood yet because many circumstances besides the chain sequence influence this transition. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy was used to investigate the conformational dynamics of different model systems from highly flexible polypeptides to those that exhibit secondary structure elements like protein turns. We looked at the temperature and viscosity dependence of the end-to-end contact formation. It was found that glutamine rich peptides show a significant internal friction and activation enthalpy. Furthermore it showed that the local flexibility of protein turns is very dependent on the amino acid sequence. A further part was to look on the influence of the salt bridge on the folding of the tryptophan cage miniprotein. The observation was that the salt bridge is essential for the high stability of the tryptophan cage. The last part concentrates on the question how organic osmolytes influence the loop closure of peptides and the folding of the tryptophan cage. Our results show that intrinsically unstructured peptides are not influenced by osmolytes but glutaminerich peptides and the tryptophan cage are. We were able to show that a high concentration of a stabilizing osmolyte is able to compensate the loss of the salt bridge in the tryptophan cage.
Protein folding describes the process in which an unstructured amino acid chain folds into a three dimensional protein structure depending on the amino acid sequence. The transition from the amino acid chain to the folded protein is not fully understood yet because many circumstances besides the chain sequence influence this transition. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy was used to investigate the conformational dynamics of different model systems from highly flexible polypeptides to those that exhibit secondary structure elements like protein turns. We looked at the temperature and viscosity dependence of the end-to-end contact formation. It was found that glutamine rich peptides show a significant internal friction and activation enthalpy. Furthermore it showed that the local flexibility of protein turns is very dependent on the amino acid sequence. A further part was to look on the influence of the salt bridge on the folding of the tryptophan cage miniprotein. The observation was that the salt bridge is essential for the high stability of the tryptophan cage. The last part concentrates on the question how organic osmolytes influence the loop closure of peptides and the folding of the tryptophan cage. Our results show that intrinsically unstructured peptides are not influenced by osmolytes but glutaminerich peptides and the tryptophan cage are. We were able to show that a high concentration of a stabilizing osmolyte is able to compensate the loss of the salt bridge in the tryptophan cage.
Page URI
Löllmann M. Conformational dynamics of polypeptides and the folding of miniproteins studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2010.
Löllmann, M. (2010). Conformational dynamics of polypeptides and the folding of miniproteins studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Löllmann, Marc. 2010. Conformational dynamics of polypeptides and the folding of miniproteins studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Löllmann, M. (2010). Conformational dynamics of polypeptides and the folding of miniproteins studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Löllmann, M., 2010. Conformational dynamics of polypeptides and the folding of miniproteins studied by fluorescence spectroscopy, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
M. Löllmann, Conformational dynamics of polypeptides and the folding of miniproteins studied by fluorescence spectroscopy, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2010.
Löllmann, M.: Conformational dynamics of polypeptides and the folding of miniproteins studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. Bielefeld University, Bielefeld (Germany) (2010).
Löllmann, Marc. Conformational dynamics of polypeptides and the folding of miniproteins studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2010.
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