On adaptor proteins shaping Ca2+ signals in activated B lymphocytes
Neumann K (2008)
Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Bielefelder E-Dissertation | Englisch
Neumann, Konstantin
Gutachter*in / Betreuer*in
Wienands, Jürgen (Prof. Dr.)
Abstract / Bemerkung
Signale des B-Zell-Antigenrezeptors (BZR) regeln sowohl die Aktivierung pathogenspezifischer B-Lymphozyten als auch die Eliminierung selbstreaktiver B-Lymphozyten. Das Ergebnis der BZR-Stimulation kann von Apoptose bis zu Proliferation der B-Lymphozyten reichen. Unpassende Signale können deshalb zu einer Unausgewogenheit zwischen der humoralen Immunität und Selbsttoleranz führen. Folglich hängt die B-Lymphozyten-Aktivierung von einem komplizierten Wechselspiel zwischen positiven und negativen Signalelementen ab. Der Anstieg der zytosolischen Kalziumionen (Ca2+)-Konzentration ist ein zentraler Schritt in der B-Lymphozyten-Aktivierung. Die zeitliche Form des Ca2+ Signals trägt zur differentiellen Aktivierung von Transkriptionsfaktoren bei, welche dann das Schicksal der Zelle beeinflussen. Das Adaptorprotein Grb2 hemmt BZR-vermittelte Ca2+-Mobilisierung. Während meiner Arbeit identifizierte Björn Stork in unserem Labor Dok-3 als ein weiteres Adaptorprotein, das Ca2+ Mobilisierung in B-Zellen hemmt.
In dieser Arbeit habe ich die molekularen Mechanismen der hemmenden Funktion der zwei Adaptorproteine untersucht. Dafür wurden DT40 B-Zellen verwendet, deren Gene für Grb2 oder Dok-3 inaktiviert worden sind. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass beide Proteine die Aktivierung des Ca2+-mobilisierenden Enzyms PLC-[gamma]2 durch Btk hemmen. Dies zeigte sich durch eine erhöhte BZR-vermittelte Phosphorylierung von PLC-[gamma]2 an einer spezifischen Btk-Phosphorylierungsstelle in der Abwesenheit von Dok-3 oder Grb2. Dieser Befund wurde durch erhöhte IP3-Produktion und einen stärkeren Grad der Entleerung der intrazellulären Ca2+-Speicher nach BZR-Stimulation unterstützt. Der beobachtete Einfluss der zwei Adaptorproteine auf der Aktivierung von Ca2+-Kanälen in der Plasmamembran verschwindet, wenn die Speicher künstlich entleert sind. Daher scheinen die beiden Adaptorproteine ausschließlich die Ca2+-Mobilisierung aus intrazellulären Speichern zu beeinflussen. Obwohl beide Proteine einen ternären Komplex mit dem hemmenden Lipidphosphatase SHIP bilden, scheint diese Wechselwirkung für die Dok-3-Funktion nicht notwendig zu sein. Eher scheint SHIP die Dok-3-Phosphorylierung zu fördern. Koquervernetzung von Fc[gamma]RIIb mit dem BZR führt zu starker SHIP-Aktivierung und ich konnte zeigen, dass dies auch zu verstärkter Dok-3-Phosphorylierung führt. Diese Studie zeigt Einblicke in die molekularen Mechanismen, durch die die zytosolischen Adaptorproteine Dok-3 und Grb2 BZR-Signale regeln und identifiziert Fc[gamma]RIIb als Regulator des Dok-3-Grb2-Moduls.
Signals emanating from the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) regulate both the activation of pathogen-specific B lymphocytes as well as removal of self-reactive B lymphocytes. The outcome of BCR stimulation can range from induction of apoptosis to proliferation. Inappropriate signals can therefore lead to an imbalance between humoral immunity and self tolerance. Consequently, B lymphocyte activation depends on a complex interplay between positive and negative signaling elements. The rise of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration is a central step in B lymphocyte activation. The temporal shape of the Ca2+ signal contributes to the differential activation of transcription factors, which then affects cell fate decisions. The adaptor protein Grb2 has previously been shown to inhibit BCR-induced Ca2+ mobilization. During my work Björn Stork in our lab identified Dok-3 to be another adaptor protein inhibiting Ca2+ mobilization in B cells. In this study I investigated the molecular mechanisms of the inhibitory function of the two adaptor proteins. Using DT40 B cells that were rendered deficient for Grb2 or Dok-3 expression it could be shown that both proteins inhibit activation of the Ca2+ mobilizing enzyme PLC-[gamma]2 by Btk. This was evident from enhanced BCR-induced phosphorylation of PLC-[gamma]2 at a specific Btk phosphorylation site in the absence of Dok-3 or Grb2. This finding was supported by enhanced IP3 production and a stronger degree of depletion of Ca2+ from the ER stores in response to BCR ligation. An impact of the two adaptor proteins on the activation of plasma membrane Ca2+ channels could be excluded by uncoupling the release of Ca2+ from the ER from Ca2+ influx across the membrane. Although both proteins seem to form a ternary complex with the inhibitory lipid phosphatase SHIP, this interaction could be shown not to be essential for Dok-3 function. Rather, SHIP seems to promote Dok-3 phosphorylation. Fc[gamma]RIIb coligation to the BCR strongly activates SHIP and this could be shown to also enhance Dok-3 phosphorylation. Together, this study reveals insights in the molecular mechanism by which the cytosolic adaptor proteins Dok-3 and Grb2 regulate BCR signaling and identifies Fc[gamma]RIIb as an upstream regulator.
Signals emanating from the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) regulate both the activation of pathogen-specific B lymphocytes as well as removal of self-reactive B lymphocytes. The outcome of BCR stimulation can range from induction of apoptosis to proliferation. Inappropriate signals can therefore lead to an imbalance between humoral immunity and self tolerance. Consequently, B lymphocyte activation depends on a complex interplay between positive and negative signaling elements. The rise of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration is a central step in B lymphocyte activation. The temporal shape of the Ca2+ signal contributes to the differential activation of transcription factors, which then affects cell fate decisions. The adaptor protein Grb2 has previously been shown to inhibit BCR-induced Ca2+ mobilization. During my work Björn Stork in our lab identified Dok-3 to be another adaptor protein inhibiting Ca2+ mobilization in B cells. In this study I investigated the molecular mechanisms of the inhibitory function of the two adaptor proteins. Using DT40 B cells that were rendered deficient for Grb2 or Dok-3 expression it could be shown that both proteins inhibit activation of the Ca2+ mobilizing enzyme PLC-[gamma]2 by Btk. This was evident from enhanced BCR-induced phosphorylation of PLC-[gamma]2 at a specific Btk phosphorylation site in the absence of Dok-3 or Grb2. This finding was supported by enhanced IP3 production and a stronger degree of depletion of Ca2+ from the ER stores in response to BCR ligation. An impact of the two adaptor proteins on the activation of plasma membrane Ca2+ channels could be excluded by uncoupling the release of Ca2+ from the ER from Ca2+ influx across the membrane. Although both proteins seem to form a ternary complex with the inhibitory lipid phosphatase SHIP, this interaction could be shown not to be essential for Dok-3 function. Rather, SHIP seems to promote Dok-3 phosphorylation. Fc[gamma]RIIb coligation to the BCR strongly activates SHIP and this could be shown to also enhance Dok-3 phosphorylation. Together, this study reveals insights in the molecular mechanism by which the cytosolic adaptor proteins Dok-3 and Grb2 regulate BCR signaling and identifies Fc[gamma]RIIb as an upstream regulator.
B-Lymphozyt , Adaptorproteine , Signaltransduktion , Dok-3 (Downstream of kinase 3) , Grb2 (Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2) , B-Zell-Antigenrezeptor , Fc[gamma]RIIb , Signal transduction , B cell antigen receptor
Page URI
Neumann K. On adaptor proteins shaping Ca2+ signals in activated B lymphocytes. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2008.
Neumann, K. (2008). On adaptor proteins shaping Ca2+ signals in activated B lymphocytes. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Neumann, Konstantin. 2008. On adaptor proteins shaping Ca2+ signals in activated B lymphocytes. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Neumann, K. (2008). On adaptor proteins shaping Ca2+ signals in activated B lymphocytes. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Neumann, K., 2008. On adaptor proteins shaping Ca2+ signals in activated B lymphocytes, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
K. Neumann, On adaptor proteins shaping Ca2+ signals in activated B lymphocytes, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2008.
Neumann, K.: On adaptor proteins shaping Ca2+ signals in activated B lymphocytes. Bielefeld University, Bielefeld (Germany) (2008).
Neumann, Konstantin. On adaptor proteins shaping Ca2+ signals in activated B lymphocytes. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2008.
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