Identification and characterization of intracellular binding partners of the CHL1 (close homologue of L1) neural cell recognition molecule
Richter M (2002)
Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Bielefelder E-Dissertation | Englisch
Richter, Melanie
Gutachter*in / Betreuer*in
Bartsch, Jörg-Walter (PD Dr.)
Abstract / Bemerkung
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Bindungsanalysen des neuronalen Zelladhäsionsmoleküls CHL1 (close homologue of L1) durchgeführt, die Interaktionspartner dieses kürzlich beschriebenen neuen Mitgliedes der L1-verwandten Unterfamilie isolieren sollten. Die extra- und intrazellulären Domänen von CHL1 wurden als rekombinante Fusionsproteine in verschiedenen biochemischen Interaktionsanalysen eingesetzt. Ein einzelnes Protein, das an die lösliche intrazelluläre Domäne von CHL1 in einem overlay Ansatz gebunden hat, konnte in der detergenzfreien löslichen Fraktion eines Maushirns nachgewiesen werden. Der mögliche Bindungspartner von CHL1 wurde mittels MALDI-MS als murines Hitzeschockprotein hsc70 identifiziert.
Die immunzytochemische Lokalisation der beiden möglichen Bindungspartner in primären Hippokampus-Neuronen zeigte eine charakteristische distinkte Ko-Verteilung, die auf eine verstärkte Interaktion in membranösen Subdomänen hinweist. Die Ko-Lokalisation in Subdomänen zeigte sich stärker in Zellen, die von älteren Tieren präpariert wurden als in Zellen von neugeborenen Tieren. CHL1 und hsc70 zeigten eine übereinstimmende Verteilung in detergenz-unlöslichen Subfraktionen angereicherter synaptosomaler Membranen. Eine Ko-Immunpräzipitation von CHL1 aus kruden Homogenaten 5 Tage alter und 3 Wochen alter Mäuse zeigte, dass die Interaktion in alten Tieren verstärkt war und die Präzipitation aus der detergenz-unlöslichen Fraktion nur bei 3 Wochen alten Tieren möglich war. Hsc70 ko-präzipitierte allerdings nur, wenn ADP als Ko-Faktor der Bindung anwesend war, nicht aber in der Gegenwart von ATP. Zusammengefasst zeigen diese Ergebnisse eine ADP-abhängige Interaktion von CHL1 und hsc70. Diese konnte auf zelluläre Subdomänen beschränkt werden, in denen die Interaktion möglicherweise durch eine bestimmte Konformation der Bindungspartner erleichtert wurde. Die Translokalisation der Bindung in detergenz-unlöslichen Fraktionen hängt von dem Entwicklungsstand der Tiere ab.
Ein mögliches Bindungsmotiv für hsc70 in der intrazellulären Domäne von CHL1 konnte identifiziert werden: Ein HPD-Tripeptid, das ursprünglich als hsc70-Bindestelle in der J-Domäne von molekularen Faltungsproteinen beschrieben wurde. Eine gerichtete Mutagenese, die zum Aminosäureaustausch des Histidin- beziehungsweise Aspartatrestes führte, konnte zeigen, dass das HPD-Tripeptid essentiell fur die Bindung von hsc70 ist.
Hinweise, dass die Bindung von CHL1 und hsc70 an strukturellen Reorganisationen des Zytoskeletts beteiligt ist, können nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Weil aber die Transfektion die Morphologie und Vitalität der Neurone dramatisch beeinflusste, war eine funktionelle Analyse der CHL1 - hsc70 Interaktion nicht möglich.
In dieser Arbeit konnte zum ersten Mal eine Interaktion zwischen einem Zelladhäsionsmolekül und einem Hitzeschockprotein demonstriert werden, die generiert wird über ein HPD-Tripeptid in der intrazellulären Domäne von CHL1. Diese Interaktion ist abhängig von dem Ko-Faktor ADP. Die Bindung konnte in zellulären Subdomänen lokalisiert werden und die Translokalisation der Interaktion war zeitlich abhängig vom Entwicklungsstand des Tieres. Eine Beteiligung der CHL1 - hsc70 Bindung an strukturellen Veränderungen des Zytoskeletts konnte nicht ausgeschlossen werden, wodurch sich interessante Möglichkeiten zur weiteren funktionellen Erforschung dieser Interaktion bieten.
In the present study, a binding analysis of the neural cell adhesion molecule CHL1 (close homologue of L1) was carried out in order to isolate putative interaction partners of this recently described new member of the L1-related subfamily. The extracellular and intracellular domains of CHL1 were subjected as recombinant fusion proteins to several biochemical binding studies. A single protein of the non-detergent soluble fraction of a mouse brain was observed to bind to soluble CHL1-ICDhis6 in an overlay approach. This putative binding partner of CHL1 was identified as the murine heat shock cognate 70 using MALDI-MS. Localization studies of the putative binding partners in primary hippocampal neurons showed a distinct cellular co-distribution pattern of CHL1 and hsc70 indicating a facilitated interaction in membrane subdomains that was more pronounced in cells prepared from older animals than from newborn animals. CHL1 and hsc70 showed an overlapping distribution pattern in detergent-insoluble subfractions of enriched synaptosomal membranes. A co-immunoprecipitation of CHL1 using crude fractions from 5-day old mice and 3-weeks old mice demonstrated that the co-precipitation of hsc70 was also more pronounced in older animals and that the interaction was more translocated in a detergent-insoluble fraction in 3-weeks old mice. Furthermore, hsc70 co-precipitated only in the presence of the co-factor ADP, but not in the presence of ATP. Taking these results together, an ADP dependent interaction of CHL1 and hsc70 was identified that was localized in cellular subdomains where the interaction was assumingly facilitated by a specific conformational stage of the binding partner. The translocation of the CHL1 - hsc70 binding in detergent-insoluble fractions was further dependent on the developmental stage of the animals. A putative binding site of hsc70 within the intracellular domain of CHL1 was identified, namely a HPD tripeptide that was originally described to be a hsc70 binding motif exposed in the J-domain of bacterial chaperones. Using a site-directed mutagenesis resulting in an amino acid exchange of either the histidine or the aspartate residue, it was demonstrated that the HPD tripeptide is essential for the binding of hsc70. Evidence that the functional binding of CHL1 and hsc70 affects structural reorganization processes of the cytoskeleton during neuritogenesis could not be excluded since transfection of primary hippocampal neurons dramatically altered the morphology and vitality of the neurons. Thus, it was not possible to analyze the functional role of the CHL1 - hsc70 interaction. This study could demonstrate for the first time a specific interaction between a cell adhesion molecule and a heat shock protein via the HPD tripeptide that is localized within the intracellular domain of CHL1. The interaction was characterized to be dependent on ADP as a co-factor for the binding. The binding was restricted to cellular subdomains and the localization was temporally dependent on the developmental stage of the animal. The biological relevance of the interaction could not be elucidated providing further opportunities for the analysis of the functional role of this interaction between CHL1 and hsc70.
In the present study, a binding analysis of the neural cell adhesion molecule CHL1 (close homologue of L1) was carried out in order to isolate putative interaction partners of this recently described new member of the L1-related subfamily. The extracellular and intracellular domains of CHL1 were subjected as recombinant fusion proteins to several biochemical binding studies. A single protein of the non-detergent soluble fraction of a mouse brain was observed to bind to soluble CHL1-ICDhis6 in an overlay approach. This putative binding partner of CHL1 was identified as the murine heat shock cognate 70 using MALDI-MS. Localization studies of the putative binding partners in primary hippocampal neurons showed a distinct cellular co-distribution pattern of CHL1 and hsc70 indicating a facilitated interaction in membrane subdomains that was more pronounced in cells prepared from older animals than from newborn animals. CHL1 and hsc70 showed an overlapping distribution pattern in detergent-insoluble subfractions of enriched synaptosomal membranes. A co-immunoprecipitation of CHL1 using crude fractions from 5-day old mice and 3-weeks old mice demonstrated that the co-precipitation of hsc70 was also more pronounced in older animals and that the interaction was more translocated in a detergent-insoluble fraction in 3-weeks old mice. Furthermore, hsc70 co-precipitated only in the presence of the co-factor ADP, but not in the presence of ATP. Taking these results together, an ADP dependent interaction of CHL1 and hsc70 was identified that was localized in cellular subdomains where the interaction was assumingly facilitated by a specific conformational stage of the binding partner. The translocation of the CHL1 - hsc70 binding in detergent-insoluble fractions was further dependent on the developmental stage of the animals. A putative binding site of hsc70 within the intracellular domain of CHL1 was identified, namely a HPD tripeptide that was originally described to be a hsc70 binding motif exposed in the J-domain of bacterial chaperones. Using a site-directed mutagenesis resulting in an amino acid exchange of either the histidine or the aspartate residue, it was demonstrated that the HPD tripeptide is essential for the binding of hsc70. Evidence that the functional binding of CHL1 and hsc70 affects structural reorganization processes of the cytoskeleton during neuritogenesis could not be excluded since transfection of primary hippocampal neurons dramatically altered the morphology and vitality of the neurons. Thus, it was not possible to analyze the functional role of the CHL1 - hsc70 interaction. This study could demonstrate for the first time a specific interaction between a cell adhesion molecule and a heat shock protein via the HPD tripeptide that is localized within the intracellular domain of CHL1. The interaction was characterized to be dependent on ADP as a co-factor for the binding. The binding was restricted to cellular subdomains and the localization was temporally dependent on the developmental stage of the animal. The biological relevance of the interaction could not be elucidated providing further opportunities for the analysis of the functional role of this interaction between CHL1 and hsc70.
Neurales Zell-Adhäsionsmolekül , Bindeproteine , , CHL1 , Cell adhesion , Binding partner , hsc 70 (heat shock cognate 70)
Page URI
Richter M. Identification and characterization of intracellular binding partners of the CHL1 (close homologue of L1) neural cell recognition molecule. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2002.
Richter, M. (2002). Identification and characterization of intracellular binding partners of the CHL1 (close homologue of L1) neural cell recognition molecule. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Richter, Melanie. 2002. Identification and characterization of intracellular binding partners of the CHL1 (close homologue of L1) neural cell recognition molecule. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Richter, M. (2002). Identification and characterization of intracellular binding partners of the CHL1 (close homologue of L1) neural cell recognition molecule. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Richter, M., 2002. Identification and characterization of intracellular binding partners of the CHL1 (close homologue of L1) neural cell recognition molecule, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
M. Richter, Identification and characterization of intracellular binding partners of the CHL1 (close homologue of L1) neural cell recognition molecule, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2002.
Richter, M.: Identification and characterization of intracellular binding partners of the CHL1 (close homologue of L1) neural cell recognition molecule. Bielefeld University, Bielefeld (Germany) (2002).
Richter, Melanie. Identification and characterization of intracellular binding partners of the CHL1 (close homologue of L1) neural cell recognition molecule. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2002.
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