S-matrix analysis of vibrational and alignment effects in intense-field multiphoton ionization of molecules
Requate A (2007)
Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Bielefelder E-Dissertation | Englisch
Requate, Arvid
Gutachter*in / Betreuer*in
Faisal, Farhad H. M. (Prof., Ph.D.)
Alternativer Titel
S-Matrix-Analyse molekularer Vibrations- und Orientierungseffekte in der Multiphotonenionisation in intensiven Laserfeldern
Abstract / Bemerkung
Theoretische Analyse der Vibrationsanregung kleiner Moleküle bei Multiphotonenionisation in starken Laserfeldern bei optischen und Infrarot-Frequenzen. Analyse der Orientierungsabhängigkeit molekularer Elektronenstoßionisation im Laserfeld als letzter Teilschritt der Nichtsequentiellen Doppelionisation von diatomaren Molekülen in intensiven Laserfeldern. Quantenmechanische Beschreibung mit S-Matrix-Theorie in Strong Field Approximation (SFA), d.h. jenseits der Störungstheorie.
Theoretical analysis of the vibrational excitation of small molecules during multiphoton ionization in intense laser fields of optical and infrared frequencies. Analysis of the alignment dependence of the electron impact ionization of diatomic molecules in the presence of an intense laser field as the final step in the process of Nonsequential Double Ionization. Quantum mechanical description using S-matrix theory in Strong Field Approximation (SFA), i.e. beyond perturbation theory.
Theoretical analysis of the vibrational excitation of small molecules during multiphoton ionization in intense laser fields of optical and infrared frequencies. Analysis of the alignment dependence of the electron impact ionization of diatomic molecules in the presence of an intense laser field as the final step in the process of Nonsequential Double Ionization. Quantum mechanical description using S-matrix theory in Strong Field Approximation (SFA), i.e. beyond perturbation theory.
S-Matrix-Theorie , Laserionisation , Molekülorbital , Schwingungsanregung , Elektron-Molekül-Stoß , Morse-Potenzial , Orientiertes Molekül , Multiphotonenprozesse , Multiphoton processes , Strong field approximation , Above-threshold ionization
Page URI
Requate A. S-matrix analysis of vibrational and alignment effects in intense-field multiphoton ionization of molecules. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2007.
Requate, A. (2007). S-matrix analysis of vibrational and alignment effects in intense-field multiphoton ionization of molecules. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Requate, Arvid. 2007. S-matrix analysis of vibrational and alignment effects in intense-field multiphoton ionization of molecules. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Requate, A. (2007). S-matrix analysis of vibrational and alignment effects in intense-field multiphoton ionization of molecules. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Requate, A., 2007. S-matrix analysis of vibrational and alignment effects in intense-field multiphoton ionization of molecules, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
A. Requate, S-matrix analysis of vibrational and alignment effects in intense-field multiphoton ionization of molecules, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2007.
Requate, A.: S-matrix analysis of vibrational and alignment effects in intense-field multiphoton ionization of molecules. Bielefeld University, Bielefeld (Germany) (2007).
Requate, Arvid. S-matrix analysis of vibrational and alignment effects in intense-field multiphoton ionization of molecules. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2007.
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