The Higgs boson in the Standard Model : theoretical constraints and a direct search in the WH channel at the Tevatron
Hüske NK (2010)
Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Bielefelder E-Dissertation | Englisch
Hüske, Nils Kristian
Gutachter*in / Betreuer*in
Schwarz, Dominik J.
Abstract / Bemerkung
Le mécanisme de Higgs du Modèle Standard (SM) peut expliquer l'origine de la masse. Il prédit également l'existence d'une particule non encore observée, le boson de Higgs, dont la masse n'est pas prédite par la théorie. Le boson de Higgs est fortement lié à la validité du SM à hautes énergies. On explique les trois scénarios pour l'évolution du SM et leurs implications pour les théories de l'inflation cosmologique. Si la masse du boson de Higgs se situe dans une certaine gamme, le SM pourrait rester une théorie valide jusqu'à l'échelle de Planck. Si le couplage du boson de Higgs à la gravité n'est pas minimal, il peut également être la particule responsable de l'inflation cosmologique. Pour rechercher le boson de Higgs au Tevatron, la production associée avec un boson W est l'un des canaux les plus sensibles pour une masse inférieure à 130 GeV. On analyse 5,3 fb-1 de données D0-Tevatron, en recherchant un boson W qui se désintègre en un lepton et un neutrino. Le boson de Higgs se désintègre en deux quarks b qui forment des jets qui peuvent être identifiés par un b tagger de réseau de neurones. Une analyse multivariée est utilisée pour améliorer la sensibilité au signal. En l'absence d'un excès de signal dans la comparaison données et simulation, on calcule une limite sur le produit (section efficace) x (rapport d'embranchement) dans le canal WH de 0,533 pb à une masse de 115 GeV à 95 pour cent niveau de confiance. Cette limite correspond à un facteur de 4,1 de la prédiction SM. D'autres limites sont calculées pour les masses dans une gamme de 100 à 150 GeV par pas de 5 GeV. Ces résultats seront soumis pour publication et contribuent à la combinaison d'analyses Higgs au Tevatron.
The Higgs mechanism of the Standard Model of particle physics provides a plausible and theoretically solid explanation for the origin of mass. It predicts at the same time the existence of a yet unobserved particle, the Higgs boson, with unknown mass from theory. The Higgs boson is strongly linked to the validity of the Standard Model at highest energies. This work outlines the three possible scenarios for the fate of the Standard Model at highest energies and their implications for theories of cosmological inflation. If the Higgs boson mass lies within a certain range the Standard Model could remain a valid theory up to the Planck scale. If in this case, the Higgs boson couples non-minimally to gravity, it could function as the particle responsible for cosmological inflation in the very early Universe. A direct search for the Higgs boson could unveil its mass. The associated production of a Higgs boson with a W boson has the highest yields of production cross section times branching ratio in the region below 130 GeV at the Tevatron accelerator. We analyze a dataset of 5.3 fb^-1 of Tevatron data accumulated by the DØ experiment, searching for a W boson that decays into a lepton and a neutrino, of which the latter is accounted for by missing energy in the detector. The Higgs boson decays into two b quarks which then hadronize and form jets. These jets can be identified by a neural network b tagging method. A Random Forest multivariate technique is then used to improve signal sensitivity. In the absence of a signal excess in our final data to simulation comparison, we set a limit on the production cross section times branching ratio of the Higgs boson in the WH channel of 0.533 pb at a mass of 115 GeV at a 95 percent confidence level. This limit corresponds to a factor of 4.1 of the Standard Model prediction. Further limits are set for Higgs masses in a range of 100 - 150 GeV in steps of 5 GeV, the region where the WH channel is most sensitive. These results will be submitted for publication and contribute to the Tevatron combination of Higgs analyses.
The Higgs mechanism of the Standard Model of particle physics provides a plausible and theoretically solid explanation for the origin of mass. It predicts at the same time the existence of a yet unobserved particle, the Higgs boson, with unknown mass from theory. The Higgs boson is strongly linked to the validity of the Standard Model at highest energies. This work outlines the three possible scenarios for the fate of the Standard Model at highest energies and their implications for theories of cosmological inflation. If the Higgs boson mass lies within a certain range the Standard Model could remain a valid theory up to the Planck scale. If in this case, the Higgs boson couples non-minimally to gravity, it could function as the particle responsible for cosmological inflation in the very early Universe. A direct search for the Higgs boson could unveil its mass. The associated production of a Higgs boson with a W boson has the highest yields of production cross section times branching ratio in the region below 130 GeV at the Tevatron accelerator. We analyze a dataset of 5.3 fb^-1 of Tevatron data accumulated by the DØ experiment, searching for a W boson that decays into a lepton and a neutrino, of which the latter is accounted for by missing energy in the detector. The Higgs boson decays into two b quarks which then hadronize and form jets. These jets can be identified by a neural network b tagging method. A Random Forest multivariate technique is then used to improve signal sensitivity. In the absence of a signal excess in our final data to simulation comparison, we set a limit on the production cross section times branching ratio of the Higgs boson in the WH channel of 0.533 pb at a mass of 115 GeV at a 95 percent confidence level. This limit corresponds to a factor of 4.1 of the Standard Model prediction. Further limits are set for Higgs masses in a range of 100 - 150 GeV in steps of 5 GeV, the region where the WH channel is most sensitive. These results will be submitted for publication and contribute to the Tevatron combination of Higgs analyses.
Page URI
Hüske NK. The Higgs boson in the Standard Model : theoretical constraints and a direct search in the WH channel at the Tevatron. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2010.
Hüske, N. K. (2010). The Higgs boson in the Standard Model : theoretical constraints and a direct search in the WH channel at the Tevatron. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Hüske, Nils Kristian. 2010. The Higgs boson in the Standard Model : theoretical constraints and a direct search in the WH channel at the Tevatron. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Hüske, N. K. (2010). The Higgs boson in the Standard Model : theoretical constraints and a direct search in the WH channel at the Tevatron. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Hüske, N.K., 2010. The Higgs boson in the Standard Model : theoretical constraints and a direct search in the WH channel at the Tevatron, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
N.K. Hüske, The Higgs boson in the Standard Model : theoretical constraints and a direct search in the WH channel at the Tevatron, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2010.
Hüske, N.K.: The Higgs boson in the Standard Model : theoretical constraints and a direct search in the WH channel at the Tevatron. Bielefeld University, Bielefeld (Germany) (2010).
Hüske, Nils Kristian. The Higgs boson in the Standard Model : theoretical constraints and a direct search in the WH channel at the Tevatron. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2010.
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