From malt to bright beer and beyond : proteomic studies performed with HPLC and UPLC chromatography followed by (nano)ESI-QTOF-MS/MSMS identification
Decker F (2010)
Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Bielefelder E-Dissertation | Englisch
Decker, Fabienne
Gutachter*in / Betreuer*in
Flaschel, Erwin (Prof. Dr.)
Abstract / Bemerkung
Sequenzielle Proteinidentifizierungen auf Basis massenspektrometrischer Untersuchungen aus Bier- und Brauprozessproben sind in Brauereien selten. Routineanalytiken basieren eher auf einfachen und/oder colorimetrischen Proteinquantifizierungsmethoden oder der oberflächlichen Beurteilung der Malzrohstoffqualität. Die wenigen Proteinstudien, die genaue Angaben zu Proteinidentifizierungen auf molekularer Ebene machen, umfassen in der Regel 2D-gelelektrophoretische Trennungen und anschließende MALDI-Analysen.
Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit war die Entwicklung von Analysetechniken, die auf eine Kombination von Flüssigchromatografie und Elektrospray-Massenspektrometrie (LC-ESI-QTOF-MS) zurückgreifen und dabei unabhängig von einer vorweggeschalteten gelelektrophoretischen Trennung Analysen komplexer Proteinproben ermöglichen. Anstelle dieser wurde eine Waters HPLC-Anlage getestet und ein UPLC-System mit höherer Trennleistung genutzt. Die Analytik mit beiden Systemen wurde dahingehend optimiert, dass die anschließenden (nano)ESI- und ESI-QTOF-MS und -MSMS Analysen möglichst detaillierte Ergebnisse lieferten. Die einleitenden Analysen mit Proteinstandards wurden hauptsächlich auf der HPLC-Anlage betrieben, wohingegen zur Methodenentwicklung und -optimierung die UPLC genutzt wurde. Dabei konnten die Vorteile dieses Systems voll ausgenutzt werden. Sowohl "Top Down" wie auch "Bottom Up" Methoden wurden entwickelt, wobei auf eine mögliche Anpassung der Methoden an zukünftige Forschungsfragestellungen geachtet wurde. Während dieser Studie wurden Malzextrakte (gushend und nicht gushend), Brauprozessproben, Bier- und Trubproben untersucht. Protein Z and nLTP1 Proteinstandards wurden im Detail analysiert. Neben der möglichst genauen Darstellung des Proteoms der einzelnen Proben lag der Forschungsschwerpunkt auf der Entdeckung neuer, bisher noch nicht im Zusammenhang mit diesen Proben erwähnter Proteine.
In der letzten Phase der Doktorarbeit wurde eine holistische Methode entwickelt, die sowohl "Top Down" als auch "Bottom Up" Analytik in einem einzelnen Experiment miteinander vereint. Durch die Kombination von "online" LC-MS und "offline" (nano)ESI-MS Analytik wurde die Möglichkeit geschaffen, Proteine auf Ebene der intakten Masse, posttranslationaler Modifikationen (Brauprozessmodifikationen) und der zugehörigen Peptidsequenz zu untersuchen und gleichzeitig zu identifizieren. Durch Einführung einer "online" Probenkonzentrierung auf der LC-Säule, Volumenstromtrennung hinter der Säule und paralleler Fraktionierung konnte die Notwendigkeit einer vorausgehenden 2D-Gel-Trennung auch bei komplexen Proteinproben umgangen werden.
Mass spectrometry based sequential protein identification in beer and brewing process related samples is rare in breweries. Routine investigations are instead based on simple and/or colorimetric standard protein quantification methods or a superficial quality evaluation of the malt raw material. The few protein studies that do provide precise protein identification data on molecular level usually encompass 2D gel electrophoretic separation and subsequent MALDI analysis. This doctoral thesis is aimed at developing methods that rely on a combination of liquid chromatography and electrospray mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-QTOF-MS) while enabling the analysis of complex protein samples independently of a previous electrophoretic 2D gel separation. Instead a Waters HPLC system was tested and a UPLC system with greater separative power was applied. The analysis with both systems was optimized in a manner ensuring that the results delivered by subsequent (nano)ESI- and ESI-QTOF-MS and -MSMS analyses were as detailed as possible. The preliminary analyses with protein standards were mainly performed with the HPLC system while the UPLC was used for method development and optimization, enabling the advantages of this system to be fully exploited. Both bottom up and top down approaches were developed and applied to the in depth analysis of malt extracts (gushing and non-gushing samples), brewing processes samples, beer and haze samples, while paying respect in terms of adaptability to distinct further research topics (e.g. foam stability). Besides describing the proteomes of individual samples as precisely as possible, the research was focused on the discovery of new proteins as yet unmentioned in connection with these samples. In latter stages a combination of both bottom up and top down approaches within a single LC/MS experiment was developed and tested. Combining online LC/MS and offline (nano)ESI-MS analyses enabled the examination and simultaneous characterization of proteins including intact protein mass measurement, posttranslational modifications (brewing process modifications) and the corresponding peptide sequence. The introduction of online sample preconcentration on the column, post column splitting and parallel online fractionation successfully rendered previous 2D separation unnecessary, even with complex protein samples.
Mass spectrometry based sequential protein identification in beer and brewing process related samples is rare in breweries. Routine investigations are instead based on simple and/or colorimetric standard protein quantification methods or a superficial quality evaluation of the malt raw material. The few protein studies that do provide precise protein identification data on molecular level usually encompass 2D gel electrophoretic separation and subsequent MALDI analysis. This doctoral thesis is aimed at developing methods that rely on a combination of liquid chromatography and electrospray mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-QTOF-MS) while enabling the analysis of complex protein samples independently of a previous electrophoretic 2D gel separation. Instead a Waters HPLC system was tested and a UPLC system with greater separative power was applied. The analysis with both systems was optimized in a manner ensuring that the results delivered by subsequent (nano)ESI- and ESI-QTOF-MS and -MSMS analyses were as detailed as possible. The preliminary analyses with protein standards were mainly performed with the HPLC system while the UPLC was used for method development and optimization, enabling the advantages of this system to be fully exploited. Both bottom up and top down approaches were developed and applied to the in depth analysis of malt extracts (gushing and non-gushing samples), brewing processes samples, beer and haze samples, while paying respect in terms of adaptability to distinct further research topics (e.g. foam stability). Besides describing the proteomes of individual samples as precisely as possible, the research was focused on the discovery of new proteins as yet unmentioned in connection with these samples. In latter stages a combination of both bottom up and top down approaches within a single LC/MS experiment was developed and tested. Combining online LC/MS and offline (nano)ESI-MS analyses enabled the examination and simultaneous characterization of proteins including intact protein mass measurement, posttranslational modifications (brewing process modifications) and the corresponding peptide sequence. The introduction of online sample preconcentration on the column, post column splitting and parallel online fractionation successfully rendered previous 2D separation unnecessary, even with complex protein samples.
Bierherstellung , Proteine , Proteomanalyse , Massenspektrometrie , Flüssigkeitschromatographie , HPLC , UPLC , ESI-QTOF-MS , Brewing process , Protein identification , Proteomics , Mass spectrometry , Liquid chromatography
Page URI
Decker F. From malt to bright beer and beyond : proteomic studies performed with HPLC and UPLC chromatography followed by (nano)ESI-QTOF-MS/MSMS identification. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2010.
Decker, F. (2010). From malt to bright beer and beyond : proteomic studies performed with HPLC and UPLC chromatography followed by (nano)ESI-QTOF-MS/MSMS identification. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Decker, Fabienne. 2010. From malt to bright beer and beyond : proteomic studies performed with HPLC and UPLC chromatography followed by (nano)ESI-QTOF-MS/MSMS identification. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Decker, F. (2010). From malt to bright beer and beyond : proteomic studies performed with HPLC and UPLC chromatography followed by (nano)ESI-QTOF-MS/MSMS identification. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
Decker, F., 2010. From malt to bright beer and beyond : proteomic studies performed with HPLC and UPLC chromatography followed by (nano)ESI-QTOF-MS/MSMS identification, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University.
F. Decker, From malt to bright beer and beyond : proteomic studies performed with HPLC and UPLC chromatography followed by (nano)ESI-QTOF-MS/MSMS identification, Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2010.
Decker, F.: From malt to bright beer and beyond : proteomic studies performed with HPLC and UPLC chromatography followed by (nano)ESI-QTOF-MS/MSMS identification. Bielefeld University, Bielefeld (Germany) (2010).
Decker, Fabienne. From malt to bright beer and beyond : proteomic studies performed with HPLC and UPLC chromatography followed by (nano)ESI-QTOF-MS/MSMS identification. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University, 2010.
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