Tribenzotriquinacenes Bearing Six-Fold Benzofuran Extensions: Electron-Rich C-3v-Symmetrical Hosts for C-60

Wang T, Li Z-Y, Xie A-L, Yao X-J, Cao X-P, Kuck D (2011)
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 76(9): 3231-3238.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Wang, Tao; Li, Zi-Yang; Xie, An-Le; Yao, Xiao-Jun; Cao, Xiao-Ping; Kuck, DietmarUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
New tribenzotriquinacene (TBTQ) hosts bearing six-fold peripheral benzofuran functionalization have been synthesized. The three polycondensed arene wings were shown to operate optically independently and to generate deeply bowl-shaped C-3v-symmetrical frameworks that act as relatively weak hosts toward C-60, as revealed by H-1 NMR spectroscopy.
The Journal of Organic Chemistry
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Wang T, Li Z-Y, Xie A-L, Yao X-J, Cao X-P, Kuck D. Tribenzotriquinacenes Bearing Six-Fold Benzofuran Extensions: Electron-Rich C-3v-Symmetrical Hosts for C-60. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2011;76(9):3231-3238.
Wang, T., Li, Z. - Y., Xie, A. - L., Yao, X. - J., Cao, X. - P., & Kuck, D. (2011). Tribenzotriquinacenes Bearing Six-Fold Benzofuran Extensions: Electron-Rich C-3v-Symmetrical Hosts for C-60. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 76(9), 3231-3238.
Wang, Tao, Li, Zi-Yang, Xie, An-Le, Yao, Xiao-Jun, Cao, Xiao-Ping, and Kuck, Dietmar. 2011. “Tribenzotriquinacenes Bearing Six-Fold Benzofuran Extensions: Electron-Rich C-3v-Symmetrical Hosts for C-60”. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 76 (9): 3231-3238.
Wang, T., Li, Z. - Y., Xie, A. - L., Yao, X. - J., Cao, X. - P., and Kuck, D. (2011). Tribenzotriquinacenes Bearing Six-Fold Benzofuran Extensions: Electron-Rich C-3v-Symmetrical Hosts for C-60. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 76, 3231-3238.
Wang, T., et al., 2011. Tribenzotriquinacenes Bearing Six-Fold Benzofuran Extensions: Electron-Rich C-3v-Symmetrical Hosts for C-60. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 76(9), p 3231-3238.
T. Wang, et al., “Tribenzotriquinacenes Bearing Six-Fold Benzofuran Extensions: Electron-Rich C-3v-Symmetrical Hosts for C-60”, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 76, 2011, pp. 3231-3238.
Wang, T., Li, Z.-Y., Xie, A.-L., Yao, X.-J., Cao, X.-P., Kuck, D.: Tribenzotriquinacenes Bearing Six-Fold Benzofuran Extensions: Electron-Rich C-3v-Symmetrical Hosts for C-60. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 76, 3231-3238 (2011).
Wang, Tao, Li, Zi-Yang, Xie, An-Le, Yao, Xiao-Jun, Cao, Xiao-Ping, and Kuck, Dietmar. “Tribenzotriquinacenes Bearing Six-Fold Benzofuran Extensions: Electron-Rich C-3v-Symmetrical Hosts for C-60”. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 76.9 (2011): 3231-3238.

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