The cognitive representation of a throwing technique in judo experts - Technological ways for individual skill diagnostics in high-performance sports

Weigelt M, Ahlmeyer T, Lex H, Schack T (2011)
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 12(3): 231-235.

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Weigelt M, Ahlmeyer T, Lex H, Schack T. The cognitive representation of a throwing technique in judo experts - Technological ways for individual skill diagnostics in high-performance sports. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2011;12(3):231-235.
Weigelt, M., Ahlmeyer, T., Lex, H., & Schack, T. (2011). The cognitive representation of a throwing technique in judo experts - Technological ways for individual skill diagnostics in high-performance sports. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 12(3), 231-235.
Weigelt, Matthias, Ahlmeyer, T., Lex, Heiko, and Schack, Thomas. 2011. “The cognitive representation of a throwing technique in judo experts - Technological ways for individual skill diagnostics in high-performance sports”. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 12 (3): 231-235.
Weigelt, M., Ahlmeyer, T., Lex, H., and Schack, T. (2011). The cognitive representation of a throwing technique in judo experts - Technological ways for individual skill diagnostics in high-performance sports. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 12, 231-235.
Weigelt, M., et al., 2011. The cognitive representation of a throwing technique in judo experts - Technological ways for individual skill diagnostics in high-performance sports. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 12(3), p 231-235.
M. Weigelt, et al., “The cognitive representation of a throwing technique in judo experts - Technological ways for individual skill diagnostics in high-performance sports”, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, vol. 12, 2011, pp. 231-235.
Weigelt, M., Ahlmeyer, T., Lex, H., Schack, T.: The cognitive representation of a throwing technique in judo experts - Technological ways for individual skill diagnostics in high-performance sports. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 12, 231-235 (2011).
Weigelt, Matthias, Ahlmeyer, T., Lex, Heiko, and Schack, Thomas. “The cognitive representation of a throwing technique in judo experts - Technological ways for individual skill diagnostics in high-performance sports”. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 12.3 (2011): 231-235.

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