Ascriptional and 'genuine' autonomy
Rohde M, Stewart J (2008)
BioSystems 91(2): 424-433.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Rohde, MariekeUniBi
Stewart, J.

Abstract / Bemerkung
Knowing that human judgment can be fallible, we propose to distinguish the subjective ascription of a property, such as autonomy, from the genuine fact that an entity is characterised by a certain property, i.e., it is autonomous. In this paper, we take a closer look at this distinction and what it is grounded on, taking a constructivist stance that sees the scientist as an observing subject. We arrive at a notion of fortified ascription, in which knowledge and scientific study of generative mechanisms play an important role, and look at some models of autonomy in the light of this distinction
Page URI
Rohde M, Stewart J. Ascriptional and 'genuine' autonomy. BioSystems. 2008;91(2):424-433.
Rohde, M., & Stewart, J. (2008). Ascriptional and 'genuine' autonomy. BioSystems, 91(2), 424-433.
Rohde, Marieke, and Stewart, J. 2008. “Ascriptional and 'genuine' autonomy”. BioSystems 91 (2): 424-433.
Rohde, M., and Stewart, J. (2008). Ascriptional and 'genuine' autonomy. BioSystems 91, 424-433.
Rohde, M., & Stewart, J., 2008. Ascriptional and 'genuine' autonomy. BioSystems, 91(2), p 424-433.
M. Rohde and J. Stewart, “Ascriptional and 'genuine' autonomy”, BioSystems, vol. 91, 2008, pp. 424-433.
Rohde, M., Stewart, J.: Ascriptional and 'genuine' autonomy. BioSystems. 91, 424-433 (2008).
Rohde, Marieke, and Stewart, J. “Ascriptional and 'genuine' autonomy”. BioSystems 91.2 (2008): 424-433.
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