Organisation of Complex Behaviour: A Hierarchical Modular Neural Control Architecture for the Generation of Handwriting Trajectories
Rohde M (2004) MSc Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems.
Department of Informatics, University of Sussex.
Dissertation | Englisch

MSc Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems
Page URI
Rohde M. Organisation of Complex Behaviour: A Hierarchical Modular Neural Control Architecture for the Generation of Handwriting Trajectories. MSc Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems. Department of Informatics, University of Sussex; 2004.
Rohde, M. (2004). Organisation of Complex Behaviour: A Hierarchical Modular Neural Control Architecture for the Generation of Handwriting Trajectories (MSc Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems). Department of Informatics, University of Sussex.
Rohde, Marieke. 2004. Organisation of Complex Behaviour: A Hierarchical Modular Neural Control Architecture for the Generation of Handwriting Trajectories. MSc Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems. Department of Informatics, University of Sussex.
Rohde, M. (2004). Organisation of Complex Behaviour: A Hierarchical Modular Neural Control Architecture for the Generation of Handwriting Trajectories. MSc Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems, Department of Informatics, University of Sussex.
Rohde, M., 2004. Organisation of Complex Behaviour: A Hierarchical Modular Neural Control Architecture for the Generation of Handwriting Trajectories, MSc Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems, Department of Informatics, University of Sussex.
M. Rohde, Organisation of Complex Behaviour: A Hierarchical Modular Neural Control Architecture for the Generation of Handwriting Trajectories, MSc Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems, Department of Informatics, University of Sussex, 2004.
Rohde, M.: Organisation of Complex Behaviour: A Hierarchical Modular Neural Control Architecture for the Generation of Handwriting Trajectories. MSc Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems. Department of Informatics, University of Sussex (2004).
Rohde, Marieke. Organisation of Complex Behaviour: A Hierarchical Modular Neural Control Architecture for the Generation of Handwriting Trajectories. Department of Informatics, University of Sussex, 2004. MSc Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems.
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