RNA trans-splicing: Identification of components of a putative chloroplast spliceosome

Jacobs J, Glanz S, Bunse-Grassmann A, Kruse O, Kueck U (2010)
European Journal of Cell Biology 89(12): 932-939.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Jacobs, Jessica; Glanz, Stephanie; Bunse-Grassmann, Astrid; Kruse, OlafUniBi ; Kueck, Ulrich
Abstract / Bemerkung
Group II introns with highly complex RNA structures have been discovered in both prokaryotes and eukaryotic organelles. Usually, excision of non-coding group II intron sequences occurs by cis-splicing, the intramolecular ligation of exons in the same precursor RNA, but some group II introns are excised by intermolecular ligation. This process is called trans-splicing, and genome sequencing predicted that this type of RNA processing occurs in more than 180 organelle genomes from eukaryotes. A well characterised trans-spliced intron RNA is represented by the chloroplast psaA gene of the model alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The psaA gene is split into three exons, which are widely distributed over the plastome and transcribed independently. PsaA exons are flanked by sequences typical for group II introns and joined by trans-splicing via two transesterification reactions. Although it is known that some group II introns are able to splice autocatalytically, trans-splicing of the psaA RNA depends on several nucleus and chloroplast encoded factors. The phylogenetic relationship between group II introns and nuclear spliceosomal RNA led to the hypothesis that these factors are part of large multiprotein and ribonucleoprotein complexes akin to the nuclear spliceosome. Here, we give a concise overview of experimental strategies to identify novel factors involved in trans-splicing of psaA RNA and review recent results that have elucidated the composition and function of a putative chloroplast spliceosome involved in processing of chloroplast precursor RNAs. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
spliceosome; psaA; chloroplast; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; group II; trans-splicing; intron; protein-RNA complex
European Journal of Cell Biology
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Jacobs J, Glanz S, Bunse-Grassmann A, Kruse O, Kueck U. RNA trans-splicing: Identification of components of a putative chloroplast spliceosome. European Journal of Cell Biology. 2010;89(12):932-939.
Jacobs, J., Glanz, S., Bunse-Grassmann, A., Kruse, O., & Kueck, U. (2010). RNA trans-splicing: Identification of components of a putative chloroplast spliceosome. European Journal of Cell Biology, 89(12), 932-939. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejcb.2010.06.015
Jacobs, Jessica, Glanz, Stephanie, Bunse-Grassmann, Astrid, Kruse, Olaf, and Kueck, Ulrich. 2010. “RNA trans-splicing: Identification of components of a putative chloroplast spliceosome”. European Journal of Cell Biology 89 (12): 932-939.
Jacobs, J., Glanz, S., Bunse-Grassmann, A., Kruse, O., and Kueck, U. (2010). RNA trans-splicing: Identification of components of a putative chloroplast spliceosome. European Journal of Cell Biology 89, 932-939.
Jacobs, J., et al., 2010. RNA trans-splicing: Identification of components of a putative chloroplast spliceosome. European Journal of Cell Biology, 89(12), p 932-939.
J. Jacobs, et al., “RNA trans-splicing: Identification of components of a putative chloroplast spliceosome”, European Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 89, 2010, pp. 932-939.
Jacobs, J., Glanz, S., Bunse-Grassmann, A., Kruse, O., Kueck, U.: RNA trans-splicing: Identification of components of a putative chloroplast spliceosome. European Journal of Cell Biology. 89, 932-939 (2010).
Jacobs, Jessica, Glanz, Stephanie, Bunse-Grassmann, Astrid, Kruse, Olaf, and Kueck, Ulrich. “RNA trans-splicing: Identification of components of a putative chloroplast spliceosome”. European Journal of Cell Biology 89.12 (2010): 932-939.

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