{"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"status":"public","publication_status":"published","_id":"1995584","department":[{"_id":"6747229"},{"_id":"10030"}],"type_old":["bookChapter","bookchapter","book_chapter"],"publisher":"Wiley-Blackwell","publication_identifier":{"isbn":["9781405184649"]},"citation":{"mla":"Aikins, Joshua Kwesi. “May Ayim (1960-1996)”. <em>The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present</em>. Ed. Immanuel Ness. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. 325-326.","lncs":" Aikins, J.K.: May Ayim (1960-1996). In: Ness, I. (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present. p. 325-326. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden (2009).","ama":"Aikins JK. May Ayim (1960-1996). In: Ness I, ed. <em>The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present</em>. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009: 325-326.","ieee":" J.K. Aikins, “May Ayim (1960-1996)”, <em>The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present</em>, I. Ness, ed., Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, pp.325-326.","dgps":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Aikins, J.K. (2009). May Ayim (1960-1996). In I. Ness (Hrsg.), <em>The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present</em> (S. 325-326). Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.</div>","aps":" J. K. Aikins, May Ayim (1960-1996), in <em>The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present</em>, edited by I. Ness (Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, 2009), p. 325-326.","angewandte-chemie":"J. K. Aikins, in <em>The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present</em> (Ed.: I. Ness), Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, <strong>2009</strong>, p. 325-326.","apa_indent":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Aikins, J. K. (2009). May Ayim (1960-1996). In I. Ness (Ed.), <em>The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present</em> (pp. 325-326). Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.</div>","wels":"Aikins, J. K. (2009): May Ayim (1960-1996). In: Immanuel Ness (Hrsg.): The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell. S. 325-326.","frontiers":"Aikins, J. K. (2009). “May Ayim (1960-1996)” in <em>The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present</em>, Ness, I. ed. (Malden: Wiley-Blackwell), 325-326.","chicago":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Aikins, Joshua Kwesi. 2009. “May Ayim (1960-1996)”. In <em>The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present</em>, ed. Immanuel Ness, 325-326. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.</div>","default":"Aikins JK (2009) <br />In: The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present. Ness I (Ed); Malden: Wiley-Blackwell: 325-326.","apa":"Aikins, J. K. (2009). May Ayim (1960-1996). In I. Ness (Ed.), <em>The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present</em> (pp. 325-326). Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.","harvard1":"Aikins, J.K., 2009. May Ayim (1960-1996). In I. Ness, ed. <em>The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present</em>. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 325-326.","bio1":"Aikins JK (2009) <br />May Ayim (1960-1996). <br />In: The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present. Ness I (Ed); Malden: Wiley-Blackwell: 325-326."},"date_created":"2011-02-21T14:07:56Z","type":"book_chapter","author":[{"full_name":"Aikins, Joshua Kwesi","first_name":"Joshua Kwesi","last_name":"Aikins"}],"place":"Malden","first_contributor":"Aikins, Joshua Kwesi","page":"325-326","editor":[{"last_name":"Ness","first_name":"Immanuel","full_name":"Ness, Immanuel"}],"title":"May Ayim (1960-1996)","date_updated":"2018-07-24T12:59:14Z","year":"2009","publication":"The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to present"}