Individual complex Dirac eigenvalue distributions from random matrix theory and comparison to quenched lattice QCD with a quark chemical potential

Akemann G, Bloch J, Shifrin L, Wettig T (2008)
Phys.Rev.Lett. 100(3): 32002.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Akemann, GernotUniBi; Bloch, J.; Shifrin, L.; Wettig, T.
Abstract / Bemerkung
We analyze how individual eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac operator at nonzeroquark chemical potential are distributed in the complex plane. Exact andapproximate analytical results for both quenched and unquenched distributionsare derived from non-Hermitian random matrix theory. When comparing these toquenched lattice QCD spectra close to the origin, excellent agreement is foundfor zero and nonzero topology at several values of the quark chemicalpotential. Our analytical results are also applicable to other physical systemsin the same symmetry class.
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Akemann G, Bloch J, Shifrin L, Wettig T. Individual complex Dirac eigenvalue distributions from random matrix theory and comparison to quenched lattice QCD with a quark chemical potential. Phys.Rev.Lett. 2008;100(3): 32002.
Akemann, G., Bloch, J., Shifrin, L., & Wettig, T. (2008). Individual complex Dirac eigenvalue distributions from random matrix theory and comparison to quenched lattice QCD with a quark chemical potential. Phys.Rev.Lett., 100(3), 32002.
Akemann, Gernot, Bloch, J., Shifrin, L., and Wettig, T. 2008. “Individual complex Dirac eigenvalue distributions from random matrix theory and comparison to quenched lattice QCD with a quark chemical potential”. Phys.Rev.Lett. 100 (3): 32002.
Akemann, G., Bloch, J., Shifrin, L., and Wettig, T. (2008). Individual complex Dirac eigenvalue distributions from random matrix theory and comparison to quenched lattice QCD with a quark chemical potential. Phys.Rev.Lett. 100:32002.
Akemann, G., et al., 2008. Individual complex Dirac eigenvalue distributions from random matrix theory and comparison to quenched lattice QCD with a quark chemical potential. Phys.Rev.Lett., 100(3): 32002.
G. Akemann, et al., “Individual complex Dirac eigenvalue distributions from random matrix theory and comparison to quenched lattice QCD with a quark chemical potential”, Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 100, 2008, : 32002.
Akemann, G., Bloch, J., Shifrin, L., Wettig, T.: Individual complex Dirac eigenvalue distributions from random matrix theory and comparison to quenched lattice QCD with a quark chemical potential. Phys.Rev.Lett. 100, : 32002 (2008).
Akemann, Gernot, Bloch, J., Shifrin, L., and Wettig, T. “Individual complex Dirac eigenvalue distributions from random matrix theory and comparison to quenched lattice QCD with a quark chemical potential”. Phys.Rev.Lett. 100.3 (2008): 32002.

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35 References

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