Fluctuations in the vicinity of the phase transition line for two flavor QCD

Ejiri S, Allton CR, Döring M, Hands SJ, Kaczmarek O, Karsch F, Laermann E, Redlich K (2005)
In: Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. Nucl. Phys. B: Proceedings supplements, 140. Elsevier BV: 505-507.

Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Ejiri, S.; Allton, C. R.; Döring, M.; Hands, S. J.; Kaczmarek, OlafUniBi ; Karsch, FrithjofUniBi; Laermann, EdwinUniBi; Redlich, K.
Abstract / Bemerkung
We study the susceptibilities of quark number, isospin number and electric charge in numerical simulations of lattice QCD at high temperature and density. We discuss the equation of state for 2 flavor QCD at non-zero temperature and density. Derivatives of $\ln Z$ with respect to quark chemical potential $(\mu_q)$ are calculated up to sixth order. From this Taylor series, the susceptibilities are estimated as functions of temperature and $\mu_q$. Moreover, we comment on the hadron resonance gas model, which explains well our simulation results below $T_c$.
critical phenomena; density: finite; finite temperature: high; fermion: lattice field theory; flavor: 2; hadron: gas; Lattice; quark gluon: gas; numerical calculations: Monte Carlo; susceptibility; talk: Batavia 2004/06/21
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
Serien- oder Zeitschriftentitel
Nucl. Phys. B: Proceedings supplements
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Ejiri S, Allton CR, Döring M, et al. Fluctuations in the vicinity of the phase transition line for two flavor QCD. In: Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. Nucl. Phys. B: Proceedings supplements. Vol 140. Elsevier BV; 2005: 505-507.
Ejiri, S., Allton, C. R., Döring, M., Hands, S. J., Kaczmarek, O., Karsch, F., Laermann, E., et al. (2005). Fluctuations in the vicinity of the phase transition line for two flavor QCD. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, Nucl. Phys. B: Proceedings supplements, 140, 505-507. Elsevier BV. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2004.11.336
Ejiri, S., Allton, C. R., Döring, M., Hands, S. J., Kaczmarek, Olaf, Karsch, Frithjof, Laermann, Edwin, and Redlich, K. 2005. “Fluctuations in the vicinity of the phase transition line for two flavor QCD”. In Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 140:505-507. Nucl. Phys. B: Proceedings supplements. Elsevier BV.
Ejiri, S., Allton, C. R., Döring, M., Hands, S. J., Kaczmarek, O., Karsch, F., Laermann, E., and Redlich, K. (2005). “Fluctuations in the vicinity of the phase transition line for two flavor QCD” in Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements Nucl. Phys. B: Proceedings supplements, vol. 140, (Elsevier BV), 505-507.
Ejiri, S., et al., 2005. Fluctuations in the vicinity of the phase transition line for two flavor QCD. In Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. Nucl. Phys. B: Proceedings supplements. no.140 Elsevier BV, pp. 505-507.
S. Ejiri, et al., “Fluctuations in the vicinity of the phase transition line for two flavor QCD”, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, Nucl. Phys. B: Proceedings supplements, vol. 140, Elsevier BV, 2005, pp.505-507.
Ejiri, S., Allton, C.R., Döring, M., Hands, S.J., Kaczmarek, O., Karsch, F., Laermann, E., Redlich, K.: Fluctuations in the vicinity of the phase transition line for two flavor QCD. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. Nucl. Phys. B: Proceedings supplements. 140, p. 505-507. Elsevier BV (2005).
Ejiri, S., Allton, C. R., Döring, M., Hands, S. J., Kaczmarek, Olaf, Karsch, Frithjof, Laermann, Edwin, and Redlich, K. “Fluctuations in the vicinity of the phase transition line for two flavor QCD”. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. Elsevier BV, 2005.Vol. 140. Nucl. Phys. B: Proceedings supplements. 505-507.

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