On heavy-quarkonia suppression by final-state multiple scatterings in most central Au plus Au collisions at RHIC
Wu B, Ma B-Q (2010)
Nuclear Physics A 848(1-2): 230-244.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Wu, BinUniBi
Ma, Bo-Qiang

Abstract / Bemerkung
We study heavy quarkonia suppression under final state multiple scatterings in most central Au + Au collisions at RHIC energy We first calculate the survival probability of a heavy quarkonium under multiple scattering in Bjorken s expanding QGP at large N-e Then we calculate the rapidity dependence of the nuclear modification factor R-AA for heavy quarkonia production by considering final state multiple scatterings in most central Au + Au collisions in a simplified model In our formula a constant P-0 is also introduced to estimate the possible cold nuclear effects By fitting the data for J/psi production in most central Au + Au collisions at root sNN = 200 GeV at RHIC we find that the transportation coefficient (q) over cap0 similar or equal to(0 33-0 95) GeV2/fm and accordingly the energy density at tau(0) is is an element of(0) similar or equal to (1 39-5 62) GeV/fm(3) in perturbative thermal QCD A better understanding of cold nuclear effects is essential for us to get a more accurate analysis The small values of the transportation coefficient 40 in our estimate are in sharp contrast with those obtained by the analysis of high PT hadron spectra in Eskola et al (2005) [31] (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
Multiple scattering;
Heavy quarkonia suppression;
Transportation coefficient;
Nuclear Physics A
Page URI
Wu B, Ma B-Q. On heavy-quarkonia suppression by final-state multiple scatterings in most central Au plus Au collisions at RHIC. Nuclear Physics A. 2010;848(1-2):230-244.
Wu, B., & Ma, B. - Q. (2010). On heavy-quarkonia suppression by final-state multiple scatterings in most central Au plus Au collisions at RHIC. Nuclear Physics A, 848(1-2), 230-244. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2010.08.008
Wu, Bin, and Ma, Bo-Qiang. 2010. “On heavy-quarkonia suppression by final-state multiple scatterings in most central Au plus Au collisions at RHIC”. Nuclear Physics A 848 (1-2): 230-244.
Wu, B., and Ma, B. - Q. (2010). On heavy-quarkonia suppression by final-state multiple scatterings in most central Au plus Au collisions at RHIC. Nuclear Physics A 848, 230-244.
Wu, B., & Ma, B.-Q., 2010. On heavy-quarkonia suppression by final-state multiple scatterings in most central Au plus Au collisions at RHIC. Nuclear Physics A, 848(1-2), p 230-244.
B. Wu and B.-Q. Ma, “On heavy-quarkonia suppression by final-state multiple scatterings in most central Au plus Au collisions at RHIC”, Nuclear Physics A, vol. 848, 2010, pp. 230-244.
Wu, B., Ma, B.-Q.: On heavy-quarkonia suppression by final-state multiple scatterings in most central Au plus Au collisions at RHIC. Nuclear Physics A. 848, 230-244 (2010).
Wu, Bin, and Ma, Bo-Qiang. “On heavy-quarkonia suppression by final-state multiple scatterings in most central Au plus Au collisions at RHIC”. Nuclear Physics A 848.1-2 (2010): 230-244.
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