The quark and gluon form factors to three loops in QCD through to O(epsilon(2))
Gehrmann T, Glover EWN, Huber T, Ikizlerli N, Studerus C (2010)
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010(11): 102.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Gehrmann, T.;
Glover, E. W. N.;
Huber, T.;
Ikizlerli, N.;
Studerus, CedricUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
We give explicit formulae for the O(epsilon) and O(epsilon(2)) contributions to the unrenormalised three loop QCD corrections to quark and gluon form factors. These contributions have at most transcendentality weight eight. The O(epsilon) terms of the three-loop form factors are required for the extraction of the four-loop quark and gluon collinear anomalous dimensions. The O(epsilon(2)) terms represent an irreducible contribution to the finite part of the form factors at four-loops. For the sake of completeness, we also give the contributions to the one and two loop form factors to the same transcendentality weight eight.
NLO Computations;
Journal of High Energy Physics
Page URI
Gehrmann T, Glover EWN, Huber T, Ikizlerli N, Studerus C. The quark and gluon form factors to three loops in QCD through to O(epsilon(2)). Journal of High Energy Physics. 2010;2010(11): 102.
Gehrmann, T., Glover, E. W. N., Huber, T., Ikizlerli, N., & Studerus, C. (2010). The quark and gluon form factors to three loops in QCD through to O(epsilon(2)). Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(11), 102.
Gehrmann, T., Glover, E. W. N., Huber, T., Ikizlerli, N., and Studerus, Cedric. 2010. “The quark and gluon form factors to three loops in QCD through to O(epsilon(2))”. Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (11): 102.
Gehrmann, T., Glover, E. W. N., Huber, T., Ikizlerli, N., and Studerus, C. (2010). The quark and gluon form factors to three loops in QCD through to O(epsilon(2)). Journal of High Energy Physics 2010:102.
Gehrmann, T., et al., 2010. The quark and gluon form factors to three loops in QCD through to O(epsilon(2)). Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(11): 102.
T. Gehrmann, et al., “The quark and gluon form factors to three loops in QCD through to O(epsilon(2))”, Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2010, 2010, : 102.
Gehrmann, T., Glover, E.W.N., Huber, T., Ikizlerli, N., Studerus, C.: The quark and gluon form factors to three loops in QCD through to O(epsilon(2)). Journal of High Energy Physics. 2010, : 102 (2010).
Gehrmann, T., Glover, E. W. N., Huber, T., Ikizlerli, N., and Studerus, Cedric. “The quark and gluon form factors to three loops in QCD through to O(epsilon(2))”. Journal of High Energy Physics 2010.11 (2010): 102.
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