Introduction: Towards a Comparative History of Legal Cultures, 1750-1950
Steinmetz W (2000)
In: Private Law and Social Inequality in the Industrial Age. Steinmetz W (Ed); Oxford: Oxford University Press: 1-41.
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Steinmetz, Willibald
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Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie > Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft > Historische Politikforschung
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie > Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft > Schule für Historische Forschung
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie > Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft > Historische Politikforschung
Private Law and Social Inequality in the Industrial Age
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Steinmetz W. Introduction: Towards a Comparative History of Legal Cultures, 1750-1950. In: Steinmetz W, ed. Private Law and Social Inequality in the Industrial Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2000: 1-41.
Steinmetz, W. (2000). Introduction: Towards a Comparative History of Legal Cultures, 1750-1950. In W. Steinmetz (Ed.), Private Law and Social Inequality in the Industrial Age (pp. 1-41). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Steinmetz, Willibald. 2000. “Introduction: Towards a Comparative History of Legal Cultures, 1750-1950”. In Private Law and Social Inequality in the Industrial Age, ed. Willibald Steinmetz, 1-41. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Steinmetz, W. (2000). “Introduction: Towards a Comparative History of Legal Cultures, 1750-1950” in Private Law and Social Inequality in the Industrial Age, Steinmetz, W. ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 1-41.
Steinmetz, W., 2000. Introduction: Towards a Comparative History of Legal Cultures, 1750-1950. In W. Steinmetz, ed. Private Law and Social Inequality in the Industrial Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-41.
W. Steinmetz, “Introduction: Towards a Comparative History of Legal Cultures, 1750-1950”, Private Law and Social Inequality in the Industrial Age, W. Steinmetz, ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, pp.1-41.
Steinmetz, W.: Introduction: Towards a Comparative History of Legal Cultures, 1750-1950. In: Steinmetz, W. (ed.) Private Law and Social Inequality in the Industrial Age. p. 1-41. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2000).
Steinmetz, Willibald. “Introduction: Towards a Comparative History of Legal Cultures, 1750-1950”. Private Law and Social Inequality in the Industrial Age. Ed. Willibald Steinmetz. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. 1-41.
Material in PUB:
Teil von PUB Eintrag
Private Law and Social Inequality in the Industrial Age. Comparing Legal Cultures in Britain, France, Germany, and the United States
Steinmetz W (Ed) (2000) ; 578 Seiten.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Steinmetz W (Ed) (2000) ; 578 Seiten.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.