Dynamics of PTSD and its spectrum disorders among families living in internally displaced persons' camps in Gulu District

Olema DK, Ertl V, Neuner F, Elbert T (2009)
Presented at the 4th Uganda Psychiatric Association and Gulu University Medical Students Association Scientific Conference, Gulu, Uganda.

Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Olema, D.K.; Ertl, VerenaUniBi; Neuner, FrankUniBi; Elbert, Thomas
4th Uganda Psychiatric Association and Gulu University Medical Students Association Scientific Conference
Gulu, Uganda
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Olema DK, Ertl V, Neuner F, Elbert T. Dynamics of PTSD and its spectrum disorders among families living in internally displaced persons' camps in Gulu District. Presented at the 4th Uganda Psychiatric Association and Gulu University Medical Students Association Scientific Conference, Gulu, Uganda.
Olema, D. K., Ertl, V., Neuner, F., & Elbert, T. (2009). Dynamics of PTSD and its spectrum disorders among families living in internally displaced persons' camps in Gulu District. Presented at the 4th Uganda Psychiatric Association and Gulu University Medical Students Association Scientific Conference, Gulu, Uganda
Olema, D.K., Ertl, Verena, Neuner, Frank, and Elbert, Thomas. 2009. “Dynamics of PTSD and its spectrum disorders among families living in internally displaced persons' camps in Gulu District”. Presented at the 4th Uganda Psychiatric Association and Gulu University Medical Students Association Scientific Conference, Gulu, Uganda .
Olema, D. K., Ertl, V., Neuner, F., and Elbert, T. (2009).“Dynamics of PTSD and its spectrum disorders among families living in internally displaced persons' camps in Gulu District”. Presented at the 4th Uganda Psychiatric Association and Gulu University Medical Students Association Scientific Conference, Gulu, Uganda.
Olema, D.K., et al., 2009. Dynamics of PTSD and its spectrum disorders among families living in internally displaced persons' camps in Gulu District. Presented at the 4th Uganda Psychiatric Association and Gulu University Medical Students Association Scientific Conference, Gulu, Uganda.
D.K. Olema, et al., “Dynamics of PTSD and its spectrum disorders among families living in internally displaced persons' camps in Gulu District”, Presented at the 4th Uganda Psychiatric Association and Gulu University Medical Students Association Scientific Conference, Gulu, Uganda, 2009.
Olema, D.K., Ertl, V., Neuner, F., Elbert, T.: Dynamics of PTSD and its spectrum disorders among families living in internally displaced persons' camps in Gulu District. Presented at the 4th Uganda Psychiatric Association and Gulu University Medical Students Association Scientific Conference, Gulu, Uganda (2009).
Olema, D.K., Ertl, Verena, Neuner, Frank, and Elbert, Thomas. “Dynamics of PTSD and its spectrum disorders among families living in internally displaced persons' camps in Gulu District”. Presented at the 4th Uganda Psychiatric Association and Gulu University Medical Students Association Scientific Conference, Gulu, Uganda, 2009.

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