Screened perturbation theory for 3d Yang-Mills theory and the magnetic modes of hot QCD
Philipsen O, Bieletzki D, Schroeder Y (2009)
In: PoS., QCD-TNT09. 052.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Philipsen, Owe;
Bieletzki, Daniel;
Schroeder, YorkUniBi 

Abstract / Bemerkung
Perturbation theory for non-abelian gauge theories at finite temperature is plagued by infrared divergences which are caused by magnetic soft modes ~g^2T, corresponding to gluon fields of a 3d Yang-Mills theory. While the divergences can be regulated by a dynamically generated magnetic mass on that scale, the gauge coupling drops out of the effective expansion parameter requiring summation of all loop orders for the calculation of observables. Some gauge invariant possibilities to implement such infrared-safe resummations are reviewed. We use a scheme based on the non-linear sigma model to estimate some of the contributions ~g^6 of the soft magnetic modes to the QCD pressure through two loops. The NLO contribution amounts to ~10% of the LO, suggestive of a reasonable convergence of the series.
gluon: magnetic;
temperature: high;
talk: Trento 2009/09/07;
higher-order: 1;
gluon: mass;
infrared problem;
perturbation theory;
quantum chromodynamics;
dimension: 3;
coupling: gauge;
invariance: gauge;
sigma model: nonlinear;
mass: magnetic;
gauge field theory: nonabelian;
numerical calculations
[ Feynman diagram contributing to the pressure.]
Titel des Konferenzbandes
SPIRES Conference C09/09/07.3
Page URI
Philipsen O, Bieletzki D, Schroeder Y. Screened perturbation theory for 3d Yang-Mills theory and the magnetic modes of hot QCD. In: PoS. Vol QCD-TNT09. 2009: 052.
Philipsen, O., Bieletzki, D., & Schroeder, Y. (2009). Screened perturbation theory for 3d Yang-Mills theory and the magnetic modes of hot QCD. PoS, QCD-TNT09, 052
Philipsen, Owe, Bieletzki, Daniel, and Schroeder, York. 2009. “Screened perturbation theory for 3d Yang-Mills theory and the magnetic modes of hot QCD”. In PoS, QCD-TNT09:052.
Philipsen, O., Bieletzki, D., and Schroeder, Y. (2009). “Screened perturbation theory for 3d Yang-Mills theory and the magnetic modes of hot QCD” in PoS, vol. QCD-TNT09, 052.
Philipsen, O., Bieletzki, D., & Schroeder, Y., 2009. Screened perturbation theory for 3d Yang-Mills theory and the magnetic modes of hot QCD. In PoS. no.QCD-TNT09 pp. 052.
O. Philipsen, D. Bieletzki, and Y. Schroeder, “Screened perturbation theory for 3d Yang-Mills theory and the magnetic modes of hot QCD”, PoS, vol. QCD-TNT09, 2009, pp.052.
Philipsen, O., Bieletzki, D., Schroeder, Y.: Screened perturbation theory for 3d Yang-Mills theory and the magnetic modes of hot QCD. PoS. QCD-TNT09, p. 052. (2009).
Philipsen, Owe, Bieletzki, Daniel, and Schroeder, York. “Screened perturbation theory for 3d Yang-Mills theory and the magnetic modes of hot QCD”. PoS. 2009.Vol. QCD-TNT09. 052.
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arXiv: 0911.3595
Inspire: 837279
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