Perceptual Prominence

Portele T, Heuft B, Widera C, Wagner P, Wolters M (2000)
In: Speech and Signals. Aspects of Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition. Dedicated to Wolfgang Hess on his 60th birthday. Sendlmeier WF (Ed); Forum Phoneticum, 69. Frankfurt a.M.: Wiss. Buchh. Hector : 97-116.

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Portele, Thomas; Heuft, Barbara; Widera, Christina; Wagner, PetraUniBi ; Wolters, Maria
Sendlmeier, Walter F.
Speech and Signals. Aspects of Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition. Dedicated to Wolfgang Hess on his 60th birthday
Forum Phoneticum
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Portele T, Heuft B, Widera C, Wagner P, Wolters M. Perceptual Prominence. In: Sendlmeier WF, ed. Speech and Signals. Aspects of Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition. Dedicated to Wolfgang Hess on his 60th birthday. Forum Phoneticum. Vol 69. Frankfurt a.M.: Wiss. Buchh. Hector ; 2000: 97-116.
Portele, T., Heuft, B., Widera, C., Wagner, P., & Wolters, M. (2000). Perceptual Prominence. In W. F. Sendlmeier (Ed.), Forum Phoneticum: Vol. 69. Speech and Signals. Aspects of Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition. Dedicated to Wolfgang Hess on his 60th birthday (pp. 97-116). Frankfurt a.M.: Wiss. Buchh. Hector .
Portele, Thomas, Heuft, Barbara, Widera, Christina, Wagner, Petra, and Wolters, Maria. 2000. “Perceptual Prominence”. In Speech and Signals. Aspects of Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition. Dedicated to Wolfgang Hess on his 60th birthday, ed. Walter F. Sendlmeier, 69:97-116. Forum Phoneticum. Frankfurt a.M.: Wiss. Buchh. Hector .
Portele, T., Heuft, B., Widera, C., Wagner, P., and Wolters, M. (2000). “Perceptual Prominence” in Speech and Signals. Aspects of Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition. Dedicated to Wolfgang Hess on his 60th birthday, Sendlmeier, W. F. ed. Forum Phoneticum, vol. 69, (Frankfurt a.M.: Wiss. Buchh. Hector ), 97-116.
Portele, T., et al., 2000. Perceptual Prominence. In W. F. Sendlmeier, ed. Speech and Signals. Aspects of Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition. Dedicated to Wolfgang Hess on his 60th birthday. Forum Phoneticum. no.69 Frankfurt a.M.: Wiss. Buchh. Hector , pp. 97-116.
T. Portele, et al., “Perceptual Prominence”, Speech and Signals. Aspects of Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition. Dedicated to Wolfgang Hess on his 60th birthday, W.F. Sendlmeier, ed., Forum Phoneticum, vol. 69, Frankfurt a.M.: Wiss. Buchh. Hector , 2000, pp.97-116.
Portele, T., Heuft, B., Widera, C., Wagner, P., Wolters, M.: Perceptual Prominence. In: Sendlmeier, W.F. (ed.) Speech and Signals. Aspects of Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition. Dedicated to Wolfgang Hess on his 60th birthday. Forum Phoneticum. 69, p. 97-116. Wiss. Buchh. Hector , Frankfurt a.M. (2000).
Portele, Thomas, Heuft, Barbara, Widera, Christina, Wagner, Petra, and Wolters, Maria. “Perceptual Prominence”. Speech and Signals. Aspects of Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition. Dedicated to Wolfgang Hess on his 60th birthday. Ed. Walter F. Sendlmeier. Frankfurt a.M.: Wiss. Buchh. Hector , 2000.Vol. 69. Forum Phoneticum. 97-116.

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