Multivariate tests for the evaluation of high-dimensional EEG data
Hemmelmann C, Horn M, Reiterer S, Schack B, Süsse T, Weiss S (2004)
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 139(1): 111-120.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Hemmelmann, Claudia;
Horn, Manfred;
Reiterer, Susanne;
Schack, Bärbel;
Süsse, Thomas;
Weiss, SabineUniBi 

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Journal of Neuroscience Methods
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Hemmelmann C, Horn M, Reiterer S, Schack B, Süsse T, Weiss S. Multivariate tests for the evaluation of high-dimensional EEG data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2004;139(1):111-120.
Hemmelmann, C., Horn, M., Reiterer, S., Schack, B., Süsse, T., & Weiss, S. (2004). Multivariate tests for the evaluation of high-dimensional EEG data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 139(1), 111-120.
Hemmelmann, Claudia, Horn, Manfred, Reiterer, Susanne, Schack, Bärbel, Süsse, Thomas, and Weiss, Sabine. 2004. “Multivariate tests for the evaluation of high-dimensional EEG data”. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 139 (1): 111-120.
Hemmelmann, C., Horn, M., Reiterer, S., Schack, B., Süsse, T., and Weiss, S. (2004). Multivariate tests for the evaluation of high-dimensional EEG data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 139, 111-120.
Hemmelmann, C., et al., 2004. Multivariate tests for the evaluation of high-dimensional EEG data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 139(1), p 111-120.
C. Hemmelmann, et al., “Multivariate tests for the evaluation of high-dimensional EEG data”, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 139, 2004, pp. 111-120.
Hemmelmann, C., Horn, M., Reiterer, S., Schack, B., Süsse, T., Weiss, S.: Multivariate tests for the evaluation of high-dimensional EEG data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 139, 111-120 (2004).
Hemmelmann, Claudia, Horn, Manfred, Reiterer, Susanne, Schack, Bärbel, Süsse, Thomas, and Weiss, Sabine. “Multivariate tests for the evaluation of high-dimensional EEG data”. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 139.1 (2004): 111-120.
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