MgATP binding and hydrolysis determinants of NtrC, a bacterial enhancer- binding protein.

Rombel I, Peters-Wendisch P, Mesecar A, Thorgeirsson T, Shin Y-K, Kustu S (1999)
Journal of Bacteriology 181: 4628-4638.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Rombel, I.; Peters-Wendisch, PetraUniBi; Mesecar, A.; Thorgeirsson, T.; Shin, Y.-K.; Kustu, S.
Journal of Bacteriology
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Rombel I, Peters-Wendisch P, Mesecar A, Thorgeirsson T, Shin Y-K, Kustu S. MgATP binding and hydrolysis determinants of NtrC, a bacterial enhancer- binding protein. Journal of Bacteriology. 1999;181:4628-4638.
Rombel, I., Peters-Wendisch, P., Mesecar, A., Thorgeirsson, T., Shin, Y. - K., & Kustu, S. (1999). MgATP binding and hydrolysis determinants of NtrC, a bacterial enhancer- binding protein. Journal of Bacteriology, 181, 4628-4638.
Rombel, I., Peters-Wendisch, Petra, Mesecar, A., Thorgeirsson, T., Shin, Y.-K., and Kustu, S. 1999. “MgATP binding and hydrolysis determinants of NtrC, a bacterial enhancer- binding protein.”. Journal of Bacteriology 181: 4628-4638.
Rombel, I., Peters-Wendisch, P., Mesecar, A., Thorgeirsson, T., Shin, Y. - K., and Kustu, S. (1999). MgATP binding and hydrolysis determinants of NtrC, a bacterial enhancer- binding protein. Journal of Bacteriology 181, 4628-4638.
Rombel, I., et al., 1999. MgATP binding and hydrolysis determinants of NtrC, a bacterial enhancer- binding protein. Journal of Bacteriology, 181, p 4628-4638.
I. Rombel, et al., “MgATP binding and hydrolysis determinants of NtrC, a bacterial enhancer- binding protein.”, Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 181, 1999, pp. 4628-4638.
Rombel, I., Peters-Wendisch, P., Mesecar, A., Thorgeirsson, T., Shin, Y.-K., Kustu, S.: MgATP binding and hydrolysis determinants of NtrC, a bacterial enhancer- binding protein. Journal of Bacteriology. 181, 4628-4638 (1999).
Rombel, I., Peters-Wendisch, Petra, Mesecar, A., Thorgeirsson, T., Shin, Y.-K., and Kustu, S. “MgATP binding and hydrolysis determinants of NtrC, a bacterial enhancer- binding protein.”. Journal of Bacteriology 181 (1999): 4628-4638.

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