Thermal transition temperature from twisted mass QCD

Burger F, Kirchner M, Müller-Preußker M, Ilgenfritz E-M, Lombardo MP, Philipsen O, Zeidlewicz L, Urbach C (2010)
Presented at the The XXVIII. International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Villasimius, Sardinia Italy.

Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Burger, Florian; Kirchner, Malik; Müller-Preußker, Michael; Ilgenfritz, Ernst-MichaelUniBi; Lombardo, Maria Paola; Philipsen, Owe; Zeidlewicz, Lars; Urbach, Carsten
The XXVIII. International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory
Villasimius, Sardinia Italy
2010-06-14 – 2010-06-19
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Burger F, Kirchner M, Müller-Preußker M, et al. Thermal transition temperature from twisted mass QCD. Presented at the The XXVIII. International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Villasimius, Sardinia Italy.
Burger, F., Kirchner, M., Müller-Preußker, M., Ilgenfritz, E. - M., Lombardo, M. P., Philipsen, O., Zeidlewicz, L., et al. (2010). Thermal transition temperature from twisted mass QCD. Presented at the The XXVIII. International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Villasimius, Sardinia Italy
Burger, Florian, Kirchner, Malik, Müller-Preußker, Michael, Ilgenfritz, Ernst-Michael, Lombardo, Maria Paola, Philipsen, Owe, Zeidlewicz, Lars, and Urbach, Carsten. 2010. “Thermal transition temperature from twisted mass QCD”. Presented at the The XXVIII. International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Villasimius, Sardinia Italy , 220. PoS.
Burger, F., Kirchner, M., Müller-Preußker, M., Ilgenfritz, E. - M., Lombardo, M. P., Philipsen, O., Zeidlewicz, L., and Urbach, C. (2010).“Thermal transition temperature from twisted mass QCD”. Presented at the The XXVIII. International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Villasimius, Sardinia Italy.
Burger, F., et al., 2010. Thermal transition temperature from twisted mass QCD. Presented at the The XXVIII. International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Villasimius, Sardinia Italy.
F. Burger, et al., “Thermal transition temperature from twisted mass QCD”, Presented at the The XXVIII. International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Villasimius, Sardinia Italy, PoS, 2010.
Burger, F., Kirchner, M., Müller-Preußker, M., Ilgenfritz, E.-M., Lombardo, M.P., Philipsen, O., Zeidlewicz, L., Urbach, C.: Thermal transition temperature from twisted mass QCD. Presented at the The XXVIII. International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Villasimius, Sardinia Italy (2010).
Burger, Florian, Kirchner, Malik, Müller-Preußker, Michael, Ilgenfritz, Ernst-Michael, Lombardo, Maria Paola, Philipsen, Owe, Zeidlewicz, Lars, and Urbach, Carsten. “Thermal transition temperature from twisted mass QCD”. Presented at the The XXVIII. International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Villasimius, Sardinia Italy, PoS, 2010.

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