2 mg vs. 4 mg Nicorette Gum. Cost analysis for Germany

Schulenburg JM v d, Uber A, Laaser U, Akuhurst RL, Buck D, Breckenkamp J (1997)
Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement 2(3): 74-79.

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Schulenburg, JM v d; Uber, A; Laaser, U; Akuhurst, RL; Buck, D; Breckenkamp, JürgenUniBi
Alternativer Titel
Raucherentwöhnung druch höherdosierte Nicorette-Kaugummi: eine Kostenanalyse für Deutschland
Abstract / Bemerkung
Purpose: There is a correlationbetween smoking tobacco and the existance of a number of several diseases that have a negative effect on the rate of morbidity. In the case study, the effects of higher nicotine dosage in Nicorette chewing gums are examined. The study also deals with the possibility of a prescription-free distribution Methodology: Published studies by ex-smokers are used for a simulation with the help of the Prevent Model and German epidemiologic data. The ex-smokers are classified according to the grade of their past habit. Results: A higher comsumption of highly dosed Nicorette in favour of the 2 mg version results in a reduction of morbidity and mortality rates and a reduction in public health spending. Conclusion: The key factors for the use of highly dosed Nicorette are the unknown effects of medical advice and the question of distribution without obligatory prescriptions.
prevention; cost analysis; Germany; smoking
Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement
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Schulenburg JM v d, Uber A, Laaser U, Akuhurst RL, Buck D, Breckenkamp J. 2 mg vs. 4 mg Nicorette Gum. Cost analysis for Germany. Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement. 1997;2(3):74-79.
Schulenburg, J. M. v d, Uber, A., Laaser, U., Akuhurst, R. L., Buck, D., & Breckenkamp, J. (1997). 2 mg vs. 4 mg Nicorette Gum. Cost analysis for Germany. Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement, 2(3), 74-79.
Schulenburg, JM v d, Uber, A, Laaser, U, Akuhurst, RL, Buck, D, and Breckenkamp, Jürgen. 1997. “2 mg vs. 4 mg Nicorette Gum. Cost analysis for Germany”. Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement 2 (3): 74-79.
Schulenburg, J. M. v d, Uber, A., Laaser, U., Akuhurst, R. L., Buck, D., and Breckenkamp, J. (1997). 2 mg vs. 4 mg Nicorette Gum. Cost analysis for Germany. Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement 2, 74-79.
Schulenburg, J.M. v d, et al., 1997. 2 mg vs. 4 mg Nicorette Gum. Cost analysis for Germany. Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement, 2(3), p 74-79.
J.M. v d Schulenburg, et al., “2 mg vs. 4 mg Nicorette Gum. Cost analysis for Germany”, Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement, vol. 2, 1997, pp. 74-79.
Schulenburg, J.M. v d, Uber, A., Laaser, U., Akuhurst, R.L., Buck, D., Breckenkamp, J.: 2 mg vs. 4 mg Nicorette Gum. Cost analysis for Germany. Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement. 2, 74-79 (1997).
Schulenburg, JM v d, Uber, A, Laaser, U, Akuhurst, RL, Buck, D, and Breckenkamp, Jürgen. “2 mg vs. 4 mg Nicorette Gum. Cost analysis for Germany”. Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement 2.3 (1997): 74-79.

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