The Photochemistry of the Light-, Oxygen-, and Voltage-Sensitive Domains in the Algal Blue Light Receptor Phot

Kottke T, Hegemann P, Dick B, Heberle J (2006)
BIOPOLYMERS 82(4): 373-378.

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Kottke T, Hegemann P, Dick B, Heberle J. The Photochemistry of the Light-, Oxygen-, and Voltage-Sensitive Domains in the Algal Blue Light Receptor Phot. BIOPOLYMERS. 2006;82(4):373-378.
Kottke, T., Hegemann, P., Dick, B., & Heberle, J. (2006). The Photochemistry of the Light-, Oxygen-, and Voltage-Sensitive Domains in the Algal Blue Light Receptor Phot. BIOPOLYMERS, 82(4), 373-378.
Kottke, Tilman, Hegemann, Peter, Dick, Bernhard, and Heberle, Joachim. 2006. “The Photochemistry of the Light-, Oxygen-, and Voltage-Sensitive Domains in the Algal Blue Light Receptor Phot”. BIOPOLYMERS 82 (4): 373-378.
Kottke, T., Hegemann, P., Dick, B., and Heberle, J. (2006). The Photochemistry of the Light-, Oxygen-, and Voltage-Sensitive Domains in the Algal Blue Light Receptor Phot. BIOPOLYMERS 82, 373-378.
Kottke, T., et al., 2006. The Photochemistry of the Light-, Oxygen-, and Voltage-Sensitive Domains in the Algal Blue Light Receptor Phot. BIOPOLYMERS, 82(4), p 373-378.
T. Kottke, et al., “The Photochemistry of the Light-, Oxygen-, and Voltage-Sensitive Domains in the Algal Blue Light Receptor Phot”, BIOPOLYMERS, vol. 82, 2006, pp. 373-378.
Kottke, T., Hegemann, P., Dick, B., Heberle, J.: The Photochemistry of the Light-, Oxygen-, and Voltage-Sensitive Domains in the Algal Blue Light Receptor Phot. BIOPOLYMERS. 82, 373-378 (2006).
Kottke, Tilman, Hegemann, Peter, Dick, Bernhard, and Heberle, Joachim. “The Photochemistry of the Light-, Oxygen-, and Voltage-Sensitive Domains in the Algal Blue Light Receptor Phot”. BIOPOLYMERS 82.4 (2006): 373-378.

16 Zitationen in Europe PMC

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