Competing Spin Phases in Geometrically Frustrated Magnetic Molecules

Schröder C, Nojiri H, Schnack J, Hage P, Luban M, Kögerler P (2005)
Physical Review Letters 94(1): 017205.

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Schröder, ChristianUniBi ; Nojiri, Hiroyuki; Schnack, JürgenUniBi ; Hage, Peter; Luban, Marshall; Kögerler, Paul
Physical Review Letters
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Schröder C, Nojiri H, Schnack J, Hage P, Luban M, Kögerler P. Competing Spin Phases in Geometrically Frustrated Magnetic Molecules. Physical Review Letters . 2005;94(1):017205.
Schröder, C., Nojiri, H., Schnack, J., Hage, P., Luban, M., & Kögerler, P. (2005). Competing Spin Phases in Geometrically Frustrated Magnetic Molecules. Physical Review Letters , 94(1), 017205.
Schröder, Christian, Nojiri, Hiroyuki, Schnack, Jürgen, Hage, Peter, Luban, Marshall, and Kögerler, Paul. 2005. “Competing Spin Phases in Geometrically Frustrated Magnetic Molecules”. Physical Review Letters 94 (1): 017205.
Schröder, C., Nojiri, H., Schnack, J., Hage, P., Luban, M., and Kögerler, P. (2005). Competing Spin Phases in Geometrically Frustrated Magnetic Molecules. Physical Review Letters 94, 017205.
Schröder, C., et al., 2005. Competing Spin Phases in Geometrically Frustrated Magnetic Molecules. Physical Review Letters , 94(1), p 017205.
C. Schröder, et al., “Competing Spin Phases in Geometrically Frustrated Magnetic Molecules”, Physical Review Letters , vol. 94, 2005, pp. 017205.
Schröder, C., Nojiri, H., Schnack, J., Hage, P., Luban, M., Kögerler, P.: Competing Spin Phases in Geometrically Frustrated Magnetic Molecules. Physical Review Letters . 94, 017205 (2005).
Schröder, Christian, Nojiri, Hiroyuki, Schnack, Jürgen, Hage, Peter, Luban, Marshall, and Kögerler, Paul. “Competing Spin Phases in Geometrically Frustrated Magnetic Molecules”. Physical Review Letters 94.1 (2005): 017205.

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