Linking Perception and Production: System Learns a Correspondence Between its Own Voice and the Tutor’s

Vaz M, Brandl H, Joublin F, Goerick C (2008)
In: Speech and Face to Face Communication Workshop in memory of Christian Benoıt.

Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Vaz, Miguel; Brandl, Holger; Joublin, Frank; Goerick, Christian
Abstract / Bemerkung
We hereby present our first steps towards linking an embodied speech acquisition system and a speech production module, in order to provide the system with the ability to produce acquired speech representations. Due to the type of interaction planned with the system, we endowed it with a child-like voice, concretized with the use a vocoder-like technique for speech synthesis. The task in hand consists of finding and using a correspondence between configurations in the tutor’s acoustic parameter space, which might be untangible for the system’s voice, and phonologically equivalents in the robot’s.
speech synthesis; speech imitation
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Speech and Face to Face Communication Workshop in memory of Christian Benoıt
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Vaz M, Brandl H, Joublin F, Goerick C. Linking Perception and Production: System Learns a Correspondence Between its Own Voice and the Tutor’s. In: Speech and Face to Face Communication Workshop in memory of Christian Benoıt. 2008.
Vaz, M., Brandl, H., Joublin, F., & Goerick, C. (2008). Linking Perception and Production: System Learns a Correspondence Between its Own Voice and the Tutor’s. Speech and Face to Face Communication Workshop in memory of Christian Benoıt
Vaz, Miguel, Brandl, Holger, Joublin, Frank, and Goerick, Christian. 2008. “Linking Perception and Production: System Learns a Correspondence Between its Own Voice and the Tutor’s”. In Speech and Face to Face Communication Workshop in memory of Christian Benoıt.
Vaz, M., Brandl, H., Joublin, F., and Goerick, C. (2008). “Linking Perception and Production: System Learns a Correspondence Between its Own Voice and the Tutor’s” in Speech and Face to Face Communication Workshop in memory of Christian Benoıt.
Vaz, M., et al., 2008. Linking Perception and Production: System Learns a Correspondence Between its Own Voice and the Tutor’s. In Speech and Face to Face Communication Workshop in memory of Christian Benoıt.
M. Vaz, et al., “Linking Perception and Production: System Learns a Correspondence Between its Own Voice and the Tutor’s”, Speech and Face to Face Communication Workshop in memory of Christian Benoıt, 2008.
Vaz, M., Brandl, H., Joublin, F., Goerick, C.: Linking Perception and Production: System Learns a Correspondence Between its Own Voice and the Tutor’s. Speech and Face to Face Communication Workshop in memory of Christian Benoıt. (2008).
Vaz, Miguel, Brandl, Holger, Joublin, Frank, and Goerick, Christian. “Linking Perception and Production: System Learns a Correspondence Between its Own Voice and the Tutor’s”. Speech and Face to Face Communication Workshop in memory of Christian Benoıt. 2008.

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