Species-specific and leaf-age dependent effects of ultraviolet radiation on two Brassicaceae

Reifenrath K, Müller C (2007)
Phytochemistry 68(6): 875-885.

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Reifenrath, K.; Müller, CarolineUniBi
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Reifenrath K, Müller C. Species-specific and leaf-age dependent effects of ultraviolet radiation on two Brassicaceae. Phytochemistry. 2007;68(6):875-885.
Reifenrath, K., & Müller, C. (2007). Species-specific and leaf-age dependent effects of ultraviolet radiation on two Brassicaceae. Phytochemistry, 68(6), 875-885. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phytochem.2006.12.008
Reifenrath, K., and Müller, Caroline. 2007. “Species-specific and leaf-age dependent effects of ultraviolet radiation on two Brassicaceae”. Phytochemistry 68 (6): 875-885.
Reifenrath, K., and Müller, C. (2007). Species-specific and leaf-age dependent effects of ultraviolet radiation on two Brassicaceae. Phytochemistry 68, 875-885.
Reifenrath, K., & Müller, C., 2007. Species-specific and leaf-age dependent effects of ultraviolet radiation on two Brassicaceae. Phytochemistry, 68(6), p 875-885.
K. Reifenrath and C. Müller, “Species-specific and leaf-age dependent effects of ultraviolet radiation on two Brassicaceae”, Phytochemistry, vol. 68, 2007, pp. 875-885.
Reifenrath, K., Müller, C.: Species-specific and leaf-age dependent effects of ultraviolet radiation on two Brassicaceae. Phytochemistry. 68, 875-885 (2007).
Reifenrath, K., and Müller, Caroline. “Species-specific and leaf-age dependent effects of ultraviolet radiation on two Brassicaceae”. Phytochemistry 68.6 (2007): 875-885.

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